Funding for Capacity Building
Funding for Capacity Building
Funding to help organizations and individuals develop the skills and capabilities to meet the needs of their community.
Open Funding Opportunities
Offers funding to increase the number of internships, field placements, and other experiential training opportunities for individuals working to become behavioral health professionals. Works with community-based health partners to meet workforce demand in high need and high demand areas with the goal of expanding access to quality behavioral health services, including services for the treatment of substance use disorders (SUDs). Supports interprofessional team-based care, integration of behavioral with primary care, and recruitment of diverse workforce. Special emphasis is placed on training focused on the behavioral health needs of children, adolescents, and young adults.
Provides funding to expand the number of didactic and experiential training opportunities for individuals working to become health service psychologists. Works with community-based health partners to meet workforce demand in primary care settings in high need and high demand areas with the goal of expanding access to behavioral health services. Supports integrated, interprofessional training with significant emphasis placed on trauma-informed care and substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and treatment services.
Provides competitive funding to organizations that engage AmeriCorps members to build capacity, expand services, and help communities address their needs through service and volunteer activities. Supports evidence-based or evidence-informed interventions, practices, and program models. Includes funding priority to implement programs to expand access to high-quality youth mental health and substance use recovery services and to prepare AmeriCorps members to enter behavioral health careers.
Provides funding to support rural health outreach programs to strengthen the delivery of healthcare services to include new and enhanced services for rural and underserved populations. Promotes community engagement and collaboration through a consortium of providers to expand services using innovative, evidence-based models, with the goal of improving health outcomes and population health for rural areas.
Enhances the functioning of the U.S. judicial system by improving the quality of justice in state courts. Provides funding to state courts, national organizations, and other eligible organizations to address common issues and challenges faced by state courts, with a focus on SJI priority investment areas, including court responses to opioids, other dangerous drugs, and behavioral health issues. Offers the following 5 types of funding to eligible applicants on a quarterly basis: project grants, technical assistance grants, curriculum adaptation and training grants, strategic initiative grants, and education support program grants.
Grants funds to assist jurisdictions with starting a juvenile drug treatment court (JDTC) or enhancing and expanding the operations of an existing JDTC. Seeks to reduce recidivism and substance misuse through court supervision and increased access to treatment, recovery, and other trauma-informed services for youth with substance use disorder (SUD) or co-occurring mental health disorders (CODs), including youth with a history of trauma.
Offers funding to states, local and tribal governments, and community-based organizations to implement and expand services to meet the needs of incarcerated individuals and their minor children to prevent violent crime and reduce recidivism. Focuses on programs to reduce recidivism and support responsible parenting that lead to healthy child development, resiliency, and improved interactions among incarcerated parents and their minor children, family, and community members.
Supports projects to address the crisis of substance and opioid use in Appalachian counties through programs that help people in recovery obtain and maintain employment. Promotes the development of recovery ecosystems that support individuals as they transition from substance use disorder (SUD) treatment programs into recovery and seek to enter or re-enter the workforce. Brings together multiple sectors, including recovery communities, peer support, healthcare, human services, law enforcement, and others, to deliver job training, skill development, and comprehensive support services that enable individuals to find stable employment and sustain their recovery from SUD.
Supports planning activities to assist rural communities in developing integrated healthcare provider networks. Promotes the strengthening of rural healthcare systems by achieving efficiencies, expanding access to care, increasing care coordination, and improving basic healthcare services.
Awards funds to support planning and assessment activities to develop a continuum of care to meet the needs of at-risk youth in jurisdictions with high rates of youth incarceration. Works to assess existing gaps and identify promising and evidence-based prevention, diversion, and treatment services that can reduce delinquency and recidivism, promote healthy development, improve youth outcomes, and strengthen families and neighborhoods.
Supports collaboration between justice agencies, behavioral health providers, and community organizations to improve crisis stabilization care for individuals with serious mental illness, substance use disorders (SUDs), and co-occurring disorders who are currently involved with the justice system or are reentering the community. Seeks to reduce the number of individuals experiencing crisis during the pretrial period, confinement, and upon release while ensuring continuity of care and supporting recovery during the transition to the community by providing clinical behavioral healthcare and other reentry services.
Expands and enhances existing mentoring services and activities for youth ages 17 or younger at risk for juvenile delinquency, victimization, and justice system involvement. Seeks to support organizations that operate a mentoring program in a single or multiple states and promote the use of various evidence-based mentoring approaches, such as one-on-one, group, or peer mentoring, to meet the needs of the target youth population. Utilizes mentoring to reduce risk factors and problem behaviors, such as poor school attendance/performance, substance use, or gang participation, and works to provide young people opportunities for personal growth and development.
Offers funding to support technical assistance and training for rural businesses that have fewer than 50 new workers and generate a gross revenue less than $1,000,000. Funds can also be used on projects to support and benefit rural businesses as specified in the grant application. Supports the expansion of rural businesses through economic development, planning, and other related activities.
Offers grant funding to organizations to provide support services to low-income veterans and their families who are homeless or are currently residing in or transitioning to permanent housing. Aims to prevent homelessness and increase housing stability by offering case management and other services designed to prevent the imminent loss of home, identify new and better housing situations, or provide rapid re-housing. Includes healthcare navigator services to increase access to and continued engagement with mental health and substance use disorder services.
Awards funding to a nonprofit organization that will serve as a financial intermediary to community-based reentry programs. Intermediary organizations will make subawards to community-based organizations operating at smaller scales to build their programmatic, financial, and organizational capacity to provide quality reentry services to people leaving incarceration. In fiscal year 2025, this program will specifically focus on organizations that provide transitional services to exonerees. Also supports training and technical assistance to enhance the delivery of reentry services.
Offers grants and technical assistance to state, local, and tribal governments for demonstration projects that develop, implement, and test affordable, safe, and secure housing options for individuals reentering the community after incarceration. Supports proposals for a range of evidence-based or innovative reentry housing models designed to improve reentry and reduce recidivism by increasing access to housing for adults in reentry. Provides program participants with access to wraparound services, such as case management, substance use disorder (SUD) and/or mental health treatment, and other services to support successful reentry.
Provides funding to national organizations operating in 45 or more states to expand existing mentoring services and activities for youth ages 17 or younger at risk for juvenile delinquency, victimization, drug use, truancy, justice system involvement, and other problematic or high-risk behaviors. Supports various evidence-based mentoring approaches, such as one-on-one, group, or peer mentoring, to meet the needs of the target youth population. Works to provide young people with opportunities for personal growth and development, while strengthening community safety.
Funds telecommunication projects that support distance learning and telemedicine services to increase access to education, training, and healthcare resources for students, teachers, medical professionals, and residents in rural areas. Emphasizes telecommunication projects that address substance use disorders (SUDs), including opioid misuse.
Provides funding to address immediate and short-term needs for substance use disorder (SUD) services in rural communities. Aims to establish or expand SUD prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery services, with the goal of reducing and preventing overdoses in rural areas.
Supports collaborative efforts to decrease opioid, stimulant, and other substance misuse and overdose deaths by offering financial and technical assistance to state, local, and tribal government entities. Helps provide treatment and recovery services for individuals involved with the criminal justice system resulting from substance misuse and their families. Seeks to enhance public safety and support underserved and rural populations through prevention and harm reduction activities and diversion programs.
Offers grant funds and resources to assist in the planning and development of family-driven, community-based, and culturally and linguistically competent systems of care for American Indian and Alaska Native youth with or at risk for mental health issues. Promotes collaboration among different stakeholders in tribal communities to design a system of mental health services and supports that address issues related to mental health challenges, substance use, and suicide among tribal children and help them thrive at home, in school, and other areas of their lives.
Provides funding to support community-based partnerships and collaborations aimed at promoting access to healthcare for under-resourced and underserved children and their families in rural and underserved areas through the implementation and evaluation of new or enhanced evidence-informed, evidence-based community-based projects that deliver preventive clinical and public health services to the target population. Program focus areas include increasing behavioral health screenings and referrals for children.
Offers funds and resources to enhance the capacity of statewide mental health family-controlled organizations that support, train, and mentor family members/primary caregivers who are raising children, youth, and young adults with serious emotional disturbance (SED) and/or co-occurring disorders (COD). Assists primary caregivers to build skills to participate in policy and planning within child-serving systems and effectively advocate for their child's and family's needs through training, mentorship, and other supports.
Offers funds and technical assistance to tribes seeking to develop, implement and enhance adult treatment courts, including healing to wellness courts (HTWC), veteran's treatment courts (VTC), driving while intoxicated (DWI) courts, and other treatment focused courts or court dockets. Aims to reduce recidivism, increase access to treatment and recovery supports, and prevent overdose for people involved in the criminal justice system through utilization of the treatment court model.
Provides funding to increase the number of internships, field placements, and other experiential training opportunities for individuals working to become mental health workers, peer support specialists, and other behavioral health paraprofessionals. Promotes collaboration with community-based health partners to meet workforce demand in high need and high demand areas and expand access to quality behavioral health services, including services for the treatment of substance use disorder (SUD). Promotes interdisciplinary collaboration through team-based care and emphasizes training oriented toward the behavioral health needs of children, adolescents, and transitional-aged youth.
Funds to help tribal communities development and operation of programs to improve the investigation, prosecution, and handling of cases of criminal child abuse and neglect, particularly child sexual abuse cases, in a manner which lessens trauma for child victims. Part of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS).
Provides funds to help and support law enforcement, correctional officers, probation and parole, and sheriff's departments partnering with mental health, substance use, and community service professionals and agencies to promote public safety and ensure appropriate responses are provided to individuals in crisis with behavioral health, conditions, intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, and/or traumatic brain injuries. Funds activities focused on planning, developing, enhancing, and evaluating a Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training (CRIT) program.
Funds to support tribal law enforcement agencies in developing and/or enhancing the skills and abilities needed to address unmet public safety needs in tribal communities. Includes implementing or enhancing prevention strategies, improving criminal investigations, crime control activities, community policing strategies, and efforts to reduce illicit drug use, including methamphetamine and opioid use. Part of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS).
Funds infrastructure enhancements and capacity building efforts to address the changing healthcare landscape and increase access to high-quality HIV primary healthcare services for individuals with low-income and underserved populations, including those in rural areas.
Aims to reduce the development and progression of substance use disorder (SUD) by improving local capacity to deliver community-based SUD prevention and mental health services. Promotes building strategic partnerships among key stakeholders to expand prevention infrastructure and implement strategies to identify and address the primary prevention concerns in the community, including the use of opioids, methamphetamine, and other substances. Provides evidence-based services to prevent SUD and support the mental health and well-being of youth and adults, especially those from underserved communities.
Provides funding to enhance states' ability to develop, implement, and promote substance use prevention services that strengthen protective factors, reduce risk factors, build resilience, and promote well-being. Supports states in building the capacity of local providers to identify prevention priorities in their communities, including underage drinking, cannabis use, tobacco, vaping, opioid, methamphetamine, and other substances. Supports the implementation of evidence-based strategies, evidence-informed, and community defined evidence-based prevention strategies and programs to address their prevention needs. Includes a focus on delivering prevention services to underserved communities.
Funds to tribes to develop, support, and improve adult tribal justice systems. Seeks to support tribal and law enforcement efforts to prevent and reduce crime, including crime related to opioid, alcohol, stimulant, and other substance use disorders (SUD). Part of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS).
Funds to support strategic planning and development to improve tribal justice systems, public safety, and community wellness. Supports strategies to address violent crime, murder of Indigenous people, domestic violence, substance misuse, substance use disorder (SUD), overdose, drug-related crime, and human trafficking. Offers training, technical assistance, and other supports to assist communities and law enforcement with planning and processes to proactively address conditions and issues that lead to crime, social disorder, and fear of crime. Part of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS).
Provides funding to accredited organizations to enhance primary care residency training programs in street medicine. Seeks to expand access to primary care and behavioral health services outside of traditional clinical settings to people experiencing homelessness by increasing the number of primary care physicians prepared to practice street medicine. Training programs located in rural areas are a priority.
Offers organizations the opportunity to engage and sponsor AmeriCorps VISTA service members to help develop or expand community anti-poverty projects. AmeriCorps VISTA members commit to 1-year of full-time, volunteer service, helping to build capacity and sustainability in programs to address poverty and other issues identified by the community. Requires sponsors to operate and direct the project, recruit and supervise AmeriCorps VISTA members, and complete the necessary administrative support activities to meet the project goals. VISTA's fiscal year 2025 focus areas include economic opportunity, education, Healthy Futures, veterans and military families, and environmental stewardship. VISTA FY 2025 priority population include rural communities, native nations and tribal communities, and those experiencing deep poverty.
Strengthens the ability of corrections systems and community-based service providers to support individuals with substance use disorders (SUD), including parents of minor children and pregnant/postpartum women, during the pre-release phase of incarceration and continued through reentry into the community. Works to establish, expand, or improve SUD treatment and recovery programs to increase access to evidence-based, culturally relevant services, reduce recidivism, promote long-term recovery, and decrease overdose among the target population.
Offers a challenge award prize competition for front line justice organizations and agencies, including courts, public defender offices, and prosecutorial agencies, to develop innovative solutions to expand access to justice in rural areas. Seeks to improve legal systems, processes, interactions, outcomes, or to better solve justice problems in rural communities. Includes strategies designed to increase access to services for individuals involved with the justice system, such as housing, food, employment, and other needs.
Provides microenterprise development organizations (MDOs) with loans and grants to help establish and expand microenterprises through a Rural Microloan Revolving Fund. Helps microloan borrowers and microentrepreneurs receive training and technical assistance.
Offers funds to states, local governments, and federally recognized Indian tribes to support cross-system collaboration initiatives between law enforcement and behavioral health providers to improve public safety responses to and outcomes for individuals behavioral health with conditions, intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and/or traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) who interact with the criminal justice system.
Offers funds to states, local governments, and federally recognized Indian tribes to plan, implement, or expand comprehensive collaboration programs between justice and mental health agencies to improve outcomes for people with behavioral health conditions, intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and/or traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) who interact with the justice system.
Funds nonprofit community-based organizations and Native American tribal organizations to develop or expand comprehensive, evidence-based reentry services and programs to help individuals who have been incarcerated. Aims to decrease recidivism, enhance community safety, and improve reentry outcomes by offering case management and other services for individuals both prior to and after release from incarceration to help them successfully reintegrate into their communities.
Provides funds to support the planning, implementation, and enhancement of adult substance use treatment courts for local, state, and federally recognized tribal governments. Funds activities centered on preventing overdoses, increasing access to treatment and recovery services, and decreasing recidivism.
Funds to improve the capacity of tribal justice systems to respond to violence and crimes against Native American women, including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sex trafficking, and stalking. Aims to reduce violent crimes, increase victim safety and services, and enhance tribal justice interventions. Funds may be used for counseling and referrals for substance use issues.
Awards funding to tribes and tribal organizations to engage AmeriCorps members in evidence-based or evidence-informed interventions and practices to strengthen tribal communities.
Provides grant funds to develop and implement innovative strategies to address emerging or persistent public safety issues, crime problems, or other challenges affecting criminal justice systems. Aims to fill gaps in knowledge, build capacity, and strengthen or translate research that will reduce crime, improve community safety, and enhance justice system outcomes.
Offers grant funding to enhance behavioral health workforce capacity within the Northern Border Regional Commission's service area. Utilizes a network-based approach to provide training and job placement for behavioral health professionals in rural communities.
Offers grant funds to create new youth-focused, peer-driven behavioral healthcare support programs and provide career pathway opportunities in rural communities. Seeks to establish local networks to develop and implement behavioral health programming for rural youth.
Awards formula funding through a governor-appointed State or Territory Service Commission to single state programs that engage AmeriCorps members to build capacity, expand services, and help communities address their needs through service and volunteer activities. Focuses service projects on six areas: disaster services, economic opportunity, education, veterans and military families, environmental stewardship, and healthy futures. Includes service projects related to substance misuse. Supports evidence-based or evidence-informed interventions, practices, and program models.
Provides individuals with 1-year service opportunities focused on helping local community organizations, nonprofits, and government agencies build capacity and sustainability and decrease poverty through community programs, activities, and services. Strengthens community responses to substance misuse by supporting evidence-based education, prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts.
Provides grants and direct loans to assist rural areas with the development of essential community facilities, including purchasing equipment, paying for related project costs, and purchasing, improving, or constructing essential community facilities. Examples of essential community facilities include healthcare facilities, public facilities, community support services, public safety services, educational services, utility services, and local food systems.
Supports the planning and implementation of economic development and revitalization projects in areas facing economic disruption and hardship, including rural and American Indian and Alaska Native tribal communities. Helps communities attract investment, create and retain new businesses and jobs, provide job training and education opportunities for dislocated workers, and enhance technology and infrastructure.
Provides economically distressed areas, including rural and tribal communities, with resources to address their individual economic needs with the goal of creating and retaining jobs, developing workforce, advancing innovation, and increasing private investments. Supports strategies that build regional assets and provide local and regional capacity building and economic development.
Funds for planning, designing, and implementing transportation services in urban and rural areas. Supports projects to enhance mobility and increase access to transportation services for older adults and people with disabilities, including those with a drug addiction that limits major life activities.
Provides funding to assist states and tribes with supporting, maintaining, and expanding upon current public transit services in rural communities to enhance access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. States may either carry out public transit projects directly or grant funds to subrecipients to meet local transportation needs.
Aims to provide households and businesses in rural communities or Native villages in Alaska with clean, reliable drinking water and waste disposal systems. Provides funds to remove sanitation barriers to improve the health and hygiene of residents in remote and isolated areas of Alaska.
Provides a monthly federal benefit to individuals with low-income in order to lower the cost of phone or internet services. The benefit can be applied to home or mobile phone service or to high-speed broadband.
Offers microloans focused on the credit needs of small and beginning, niche and non-traditional farm operations, including truck farms, hydroponic, aquaponic, and organic producers, as well as direct marketing and sales through farmer's markets, community-supported agriculture, restaurants, and grocery stores. Loans may be used to make a down payment on a farm; build, repair, or improve farm buildings and facilities; purchase livestock, seed, and fertilizer; pay land rents, utilities, family living expenses, and other costs essential to starting and maintaining successful farm operations.
Seeks to increase the amount of affordable rental housing available in rural areas to individuals and families with low and moderate income. Offers loan guarantees to qualified private-sector lenders who provide financing to borrowers for the construction, acquisition, and improvement of multifamily rental housing units. Funds may also be used to purchase or improve land and to provide necessary infrastructure.
Offers loans to help rural individuals and families with low- and very-low-income to purchase, build, repair, renovate, or relocate a home. Makes owning a home more affordable by providing applicants with a payment assistance subsidy to reduce their mortgage payment for a short time. Aims to increase access to safe, clean, affordable homes for people in rural areas who do not currently own adequate housing.
Provides loan guarantees to approved lenders for loans to households with low or moderate income seeking to purchase, build, repair, renovate, or relocate a home in rural areas. Assists applicants who are unable to secure credit from other sources in obtaining safe, clean, modest, affordable homes.
Supports regional economic development plans for rural areas by giving funding priority to multi-jurisdictional projects implemented through USDA Rural Development programs. Projects are intended to build community prosperity by using community assets, identifying resources, convening partners, and leveraging federal, state, local or private funding.
Aims to improve rural communications and economic development by providing loans and technical assistance to build, improve, and further develop telecommunication services in rural communities.
Offers loan guarantees to enable tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHE) participating in the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHGB) program to secure additional financing from private lenders to support affordable housing projects for American Indian and Alaska Native families with low income. Allows tribes to carry out larger projects and complete projects sooner while reducing costs. Supports the construction of new housing and community facilities, housing rehabilitation, and planning costs, as well as infrastructure projects and land acquisition related to housing.
Inactive Funding Opportunities
Many inactive programs are likely to be offered again. Grant deadlines are often short, and viewing inactive programs can give you a head start in applying next time.
Assists schools and other eligible entities with developing, establishing, and maintaining farm to school programs. Supports a wide range of training, planning, implementation, and operational activities in order to increase student access to local food in schools. Facilitates collaboration between schools, local agricultural producers, and other community partners and promotes educational opportunities related to nutrition and local food systems.
Offers a 1-year initiative for rural justice, public safety practitioners, and other community stakeholders seeking to engage in strategic planning to address issues related to substance use and misuse in their communities. Assists participants in developing cross-sector networks and creating solutions to better respond to and serve justice-involved individuals with substance use or co-occurring disorders. Reaching Rural is an initiative of the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP) funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Provides formula grant funding to local governments to enhance the functioning of the criminal justice system, with a focus on efforts to address violent crime and serious offenders. Funds may be used for additional personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, training, technical assistance, and information systems to support activities that will help prevent, control, or reduce crime; enforce the criminal law; and strengthen the courts, corrections, probation, and parole authorities. Supports drug treatment, enforcement, prevention, and education programs.
Provides funding to Native American tribes for public transit services in rural areas. Funds may be used for planning, operating, and capital expenses, including start-up, replacement, or expansion needs.
Funds technology-based economic development initiatives that promote job growth, innovation, economic opportunity, global competitiveness, and the development of future industry-leading companies in regions across the U.S. Aims to help startups and companies access investment capital, grow their companies, empower entrepreneurs, and commercialize new technology. Projects are intended to benefit underserved populations and communities, including rural areas.
Provides formula grant funding to states to support efforts to prevent or reduce crime and violence, and to improve the fair administration of the justice system. Funds may be used for additional personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, training, technical assistance, and information systems to support activities that will help prevent, control, or reduce crime; enforce the criminal law; and strengthen the courts, corrections, probation, and parole authorities. Supports drug treatment, enforcement, prevention, and education programs.
Provides funds to organizations to engage and manage individuals aged 55 and older for service projects implementing evidence-based programs and models to strengthen communities. Focuses on capacity building in 6 focus areas: disaster services, economic opportunity, education, environmental stewardship, healthy futures, and veterans and military families. Prioritizes funding for 6 topics, including behavioral health initiatives such as peer support, harm reduction, and opioid and substance misuse education. Offers seniors a variety of service activities and flexible work commitments, ranging from a few hours to a maximum of 40 hours per week.
Provides state Medicaid agencies with the opportunity to participate in a value-based payment model that will promote integrated behavioral healthcare delivery in outpatient settings for Medicaid, Medicare, and dually eligible beneficiaries with mental health and/or substance use disorders (SUDs). Seeks to align payment between Medicare and Medicaid for integrated services, with the goal of improving behavioral health access, quality, and outcomes for the target population. Tribal and rural providers may be selected to join the model as practice participants.
Provides funding to establish new health centers that offer comprehensive primary healthcare services to underserved communities, including rural, migrant, and homeless populations and public housing residents. Aims to increase the number of individuals who receive primary healthcare services, including dental care and mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) services. Supports health centers operating on a permanent, full-time basis that address issues of healthcare accessibility and affordability in areas with shortages of health services and for underserved populations.
Provides local jails with the opportunity to participate in a 9-month planning initiative to develop a comprehensive continuum of care that will increase access to opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment for individuals while in custody and in the community post-release. Seeks to reduce recidivism and the risk of overdose for the target population by increasing their engagement in evidence-based OUD treatment services. Offers a range of options for expanding access to OUD treatment to meet the needs of local jurisdictions, especially those in rural and tribal communities. This opportunity is an initiative of the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP) funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Offers financial assistance to eligible entities to receive or deliver broadband technical assistance and training. Supports activities that promote broadband expansion in rural areas, including project planning and community engagement, financial sustainability, environmental compliance, construction and engineering planning, accessing federal resources, and data collection and reporting.
Supports state, local, and tribal efforts to plan, implement, and enhance prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) in order to prevent the misuse of prescription drugs, such as opioids. Strengthens the ability of law enforcement and public health agencies to collect and analyze controlled substance prescription data and to track prescribing across providers and states by integrating PDMPs with electronic health records (EHRs), pharmacy dispensing software (PDS) systems, health information exchanges (HIEs), and other healthcare facilities and systems. Promotes the development of innovative, evidence-based PDMP strategies that can serve as models for other states.
Offers grant funding to 4-H programs to expand mentoring services for justice-involved youth, youth at-risk of juvenile justice involvement, and rural youth. Utilizes 4-H programming to promote healthy development and positive outcomes for the target population by reducing risk factors such as poor school attendance/performance and alcohol and substance use. Supports a range of mentoring approaches, including one-on-one, group, peer, or a combination of approaches, and helps connect youth to mental health, tutoring, career guidance, coaching, and other services and supports.
Offers grants to rural or rural-serving organizations to evaluate, develop, and expand technology-enabled collaborative learning and capacity building models, with the goal of improving workforce retention and increasing access to healthcare, especially specialty care, in rural, frontier, and tribal areas and other underserved communities. Aims to support healthcare providers through distance health education models focused on chronic diseases, infectious diseases, mental health, substance use disorders (SUDs), prenatal and maternal health, pediatric care, pain management, palliative care, and other specialty care.
Offers grants to support substance use prevention, substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, HIV and viral hepatitis prevention and treatment services for racial and ethnic medically underserved individuals with or at risk for SUD, mental health conditions, HIV, viral hepatitis, and other infectious diseases. Seeks to increase engagement in services and promote a syndemic approach to care for the target population, including tribal populations and those living in rural areas.
Offers funding to develop and implement residential and jail-based programs to provide treatment and recovery supports for individuals with substance use disorder (SUD) and co-occurring disorders (COD) in state, local, and tribal correctional and detention centers. Aims to reduce substance use and overdose deaths in prisons and jails. Supports aftercare services to ensure continuity of care and help program participants successfully reenter the community upon release from incarceration.
Awards grants for re-entry services and programs focused on enhancing education and employment outcomes for individuals currently incarcerated with 2 years or less before release into the community. Aims to develop pathways and networks to implement fair chance opportunities for the target population to increase access to in-demand jobs and meaningful careers and reduce recidivism.
Provides funding to intermediary organizations that offer financial and technical assistance to recipients to help meet the needs of their communities in eligible rural areas. Recipients use funds for projects related to housing, community facilities, or community and economic development projects in rural communities.
Assists with the recruitment and retention of pediatric medical subspecialty care, pediatric surgical specialty care, and behavioral healthcare professionals serving Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUAs/Ps). New and current clinical staff working in eligible disciplines at an approved facility are eligible to receive loan repayment assistance through the Pediatric Specialty Loan Repayment Program. Helps communities meet pediatric workforce needs and increases access to child and adolescent behavioral healthcare, including mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and treatment services.
Provides technical assistance and training to community facilities programs to help rural areas meet their needs for community facilities, including schools, hospitals, public facilities, community support services, public safety services, and other essential facilities. Supports communities in identifying and planning for community facility needs, accessing sources of funding, and improving the operation and financial management of facilities.
Offers formula grants to states to help develop and expand prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery activities for opioid use disorder (OUD) and stimulant use. Seeks to improve the accessibility and effectiveness of treatment and services for individuals with OUD, including access to Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications for the treatment of OUD.
Helps American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribal communities build and strengthen a comprehensive response to the opioid epidemic by providing prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and community-based recovery support services to AI/AN individuals with, or at risk for, opioid use disorder (OUD), including stimulant use disorder. Identifies and addresses gaps in services and systems of care for OUD in tribal communities, and coordinates with other federally supported opioid response efforts to increase access to innovative and culturally responsive services for people with OUD, including access to Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications for the treatment of opioid use disorder (MOUD).
Assists communities with the recruitment and retention of qualified substance use disorder (SUD) professionals who provide direct treatment or recovery support at facilities located in Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) or in counties with a drug overdose death rate that is higher than the national average. New and current clinical staff working in eligible disciplines at a STAR LRP-approved facility are eligible to receive loan repayment assistance through the STAR Loan Repayment Program, which is open to a wider range of SUD clinicians and paraprofessionals compared to other HRSA loan repayment programs.
Helps underserved communities recruit and retain primary care clinicians at approved practice sites that provide quality, culturally appropriate primary healthcare services in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs). Supports sites that provide comprehensive primary care and primary care behavioral health services in rural and underserved communities. Clinicians working at an approved site in an eligible National Health Service Corps (NHSC) discipline may be eligible for a NHSC loan repayment or scholarship program.
Supports efforts by state, local, and tribal governments to establish and enhance community courts designed to enhance public safety and build trust between communities and law enforcement. Promotes the community court model, which utilizes partnerships between communities and the justice system to address local issues that lead to crime, including substance use and mental health conditions, and connect individuals committing lower-level offenses to substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, alternative sanctions, and community-based support services. Rural and tribal applicants are a priority.
Funds to assist medical examiner/coroners, forensic pathologists, and medical and legal death investigation systems in efficiently handling the increased need for services resulting from the proliferation of opioids and synthetic drugs. Seeks to provide accelerated and improved forensic science and medical examiner/coroner services by funding expenses related to personnel, training, equipment, infrastructure, and more.
Funds to assist states in improving the quality and efficiency of forensic science and medical examiner/coroner services in order to meet the increased need for forensic investigation due to the proliferation of opioids and synthetic drugs. Offers funding by formula to enhance personnel, training, equipment, infrastructure, and other components of forensic examination.
Provides funds to support planning, implementation, and enhancement of veteran treatment courts by offering grants and technical assistance to states, state and local courts, local governments, and federally recognized tribal governments. Funds activities centered on preventing overdoses, increasing access to treatment and recovery services, and decreasing recidivism for veterans in the criminal justice system with substance use, mental health, and/or co-occurring disorders .
Supports workforce development activities and economic development plans in rural areas throughout the Appalachian, Lower Mississippi Delta (Delta), and Northern Border regions. Provides funds for career training, and support services to prepare dislocated workers, including workers affected by substance use disorder (SUD), for good jobs in high-demand occupations in these regions. Ensures that efforts align with existing economic growth strategies in order to increase employment opportunities and foster long-term regional economic prosperity.
Offers funding to states, territories, local governments, and federally recognized Indian tribal governments to increase public safety by supporting cross-system collaboration to improve responses and outcomes for youth under age 18 with mental health disorders (MHD) or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders (MHSUDs) who come into contact with the juvenile justice system.
Awards funds to mentoring organizations to implement mentoring services specifically designed for children of incarcerated parents in areas with high incarceration rates. Aims to promote family engagement and community connectedness for the target population through culturally and age/developmentally appropriate mentoring programs in home, family, school, and/or community settings. Supports multiple mentoring approaches, including one-on-one, group, peer, or a combination of mentoring services.
Provides funding to implement suicide prevention and early intervention strategies for youth up to age 24 in schools, educational institutions, juvenile justice systems, substance use and mental health programs, and other child/youth-serving organizations.
Provides technical assistance to socially disadvantaged groups in rural areas, whose members have experienced racial, ethnic, or gender prejudice because of their identity. Funds cooperatives and Cooperative Development Centers that offer various types of technical assistance, including feasibility studies, business plans, strategic planning, and leadership training, among others.
Supports efforts to reduce violent crime by developing and implementing comprehensive community-based violence intervention and prevention programs focused on youth and adults at highest risk for violence. Encourages community partnerships between residents, local government, victim service providers, law enforcement, hospitals, and other stakeholders to engage in strategies and activities to address risk factors related to violence, including substance use disorder (SUD), housing instability, and history victimization or perpetration.
Awards funds to implement and deliver mentoring services to youth involved in the juvenile justice system, with the goal of reducing substance use, delinquency, truancy, victimization, and other problem behaviors while promoting positive outcomes for youth. Supports multiple mentoring approaches, including one-on-one, group, peer, or a combination of mentoring services as well as nonmentoring direct services, such as mental health, substance use treatment, and other supportive services. Target population includes youth currently placed within a juvenile correctional facility and those recently released from a juvenile facility.
Provides loans and grants to help expand broadband access to rural communities without sufficient high-speed internet connectivity. Aims to increase private sector investment to support the construction or improvement of critical broadband infrastructure to deliver internet access to a wide range of rural sites and facilities, including residential homes, community healthcare and public safety facilities, schools, libraries, business and industry, agricultural operations, and other sites.
Offers grant funding to assist health centers with establishing or expanding mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) services at their facilities. Aims to increase access to mental health and SUD treatment, including medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), with a focus on rural and underserved populations that experience unique barriers to care.
Expands existing mentoring services and activities for at-risk youth and youth currently misusing or dependent on opioids, stimulants, or other substances. Supports the development of innovative, high quality services, utilizing various mentoring approaches, such as one-on-one, group, or peer mentoring, designed to reduce substance use, delinquency, and other problem behaviors. Offers educational and support services to youth and their family members to address opioid or substance misuse issues.
Grants to states to support the integration of behavioral and primary physical healthcare, with the goal of improving health outcomes for individuals with behavioral health conditions. Requires state collaboration with Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), and other qualified community programs to adopt and improve integrated care models across systems.
Offers funding and technical assistance to probation and parole agencies to build capacity and increase the effectiveness of community supervision programs. Promotes best and evidence-based probation/parole practices, with the goal of increasing success rates for individuals under supervision, reducing recidivism, helping to lower crime, and enhancing community safety. Assists in the development, implementation, and testing of innovative strategies and facilitates collaboration between agencies and officials working in areas related to community supervision.
Increases communities' access to locally and regionally produced food and agricultural products by developing, coordinating, and expanding direct producer-to-consumer operations and activities, such as domestic farmer's markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs, agritourism activities, online sales, or other market opportunities. Builds organizational capacity and provides outreach, training, and technical assistance in order to help producers achieve a greater impact on local and regional food systems.
Develops, coordinates, and expands local and regional food business enterprises that function as intermediaries for indirect producer-to-consumer marketing with the goal of making local and regional agricultural products more available and accessible to communities. Supports both planning and implementation activities to establish, improve, or expand local or regional food businesses. Assists businesses through feasibility studies, market research, training, and technical assistance to strengthen food system infrastructure and increase sales of locally and regionally produced agricultural products.
Promotes partnerships able to connect and utilize public and private resources to strengthen regional food systems. Supports partnerships to improve viability and resilience of the local or regional food economy.
Offers funding to organizations with the capacity to develop, expand, and enhance housing and support services to victims of human trafficking. Supports collaboration with federal, state, and local partners to implement coordinated, comprehensive housing models, including emergency shelters, transitional and short-term housing assistance, to provide safe, stable housing for the target population. Includes the provision of trauma-informed, victim-centered support services, such as case management, education, employment, and mental health and substance use disorder services.
Grants funds to help jurisdictions establish new family treatment courts, strengthen existing family treatment courts, and expand family treatment courts at the larger state and county levels. Offers substance use treatment and recovery services to parents with substance use disorder (SUD) or co-occurring mental health disorders (COD). Aims to reunify families and protect children by providing support services to meet the needs of families involved with the child welfare system due to abuse and neglect and issues related to opioid, stimulant, and other substance misuse.
Supports new and existing training programs for paraprofessionals in behavioral health fields in order to improve services for families whose parents are impacted by opioid use disorder (OUD) or other substance use disorders (SUD). Seeks to increase the number of paraprofessionals in behavioral health working in high-need and high-demand areas to reduce the risk of mental health disorders and SUD among children.
Supports efforts to improve access to integrated and coordinated treatment and recovery services for substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD), in rural areas to address the SUD/OUD crisis in rural areas and promote long-term, sustained recovery.
Provides funding to support prevention, intervention, diversion, treatment, and recovery programs and services to benefit children, youth, and families impacted by opioids and other substance use disorders. Assists communities in developing a coordinated response to address opioids and substance misuse, overdose, and public safety through collaboration with law enforcement, courts, organizations that address substance use, child welfare agencies and other community stakeholders.
Strengthens the delivery of community-based recovery support services (RSS) for people in recovery from substance use disorder (SUD). Supports long term recovery through RSS delivered by people who have lived experienced with SUD and recovery, such as peer mentors, recovery coaches or recovery support specialists. Provides linkages to social supports, including medical, housing, educational, and employment services.
Offers funding, training, and technical assistance to help build capacity in community supervision agencies, with the goal of reducing recidivism and improving outcomes for individuals under supervision, such as adult probation, parole, or pretrial supervision or their equivalents. Engages agencies and other stakeholders in a collaborative problem-solving process using data and research-informed strategies to improve outcomes for individuals, ensure fairness in supervision, and enhance public safety.
Provides funding to state, local, and tribal governments to contract with organizations to provide clinical services, permanent supportive housing, and other reentry supports for individuals leaving incarceration, with a specific focus on the needs of individuals with mental health, substance use, or co-occurring disorders. Aims to increase public safety and lower recidivism rates by helping formerly incarcerated individuals successfully rejoin society. Services funded through this opportunity must be performance-based or outcome-based, making payment dependent upon reaching agreed upon goals.
Funding to improve the capacity of tribal justice systems to respond to violence and crimes against Native American women, including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sex trafficking, and stalking. Aims to reduce violent crimes, increase victim safety and services, and enhance tribal justice interventions. Funds may be used for counseling and referrals for substance use issues. Provides grantees with additional training and technical assistance to plan and implement their projects.
Provides grant funding for prevention and early intervention services for girls and young women up to age 25 who are at risk or are victims of sex and/or labor trafficking, including those at risk due to substance use disorders (SUD). Promotes services that are comprehensive, trauma-informed, developmentally appropriate, and culturally responsive, which may include street outreach and collaboration with juvenile justice, child welfare systems, and other youth-serving organizations and community stakeholders.
Awards grants to reestablish or maintain strong multi-sector community coalitions that work to prevent and reduce substance use among youth age 18 or younger. Addresses local environmental factors related to youth substance use by implementing a wide-range of evidence-based and practice-based prevention strategies.
Supports local efforts to prevent and reduce substance use among youth age 18 or younger by establishing and maintaining new multi-sector community coalitions. Utilizes a wide-range of evidence-based prevention strategies to address local environmental factors related to substance use among youth and promote positive, sustainable, community-level change.
Provides substance use disorder (SUD) education to health profession students early in their academic careers, with the goal of increasing the number of professionals trained to identify, assess, intervene, and treat addiction; support recovery; and address stigma. Supports health profession programs in integrating SUD content into academic curricula and promotes the integration of behavioral and physical healthcare systems using a multidisciplinary team approach. Gives preference to programs that place students in SUD programs serving rural and underserved areas.
Provides funding to states, local and tribal governments, and community-based organizations to provide comprehensive reentry and transitional services for moderate to high-risk youth before, during, and after release from a juvenile residential facility. Supports pre- and post-release program services that provide screening and assessment of youth needs, such as mental health, substance misuse, and more. Aims to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for youth through the successful reintegration of participants into their communities.
Supports the implementation of the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) public health model in primary care, community health settings, and schools, with the goal of increasing screening for underage drinking, opioid use, and other substance use among children, adolescents, and adults. Assists with integrating SBIRT into routine healthcare and other encounters and enhancing system-level approaches to reduce alcohol and substance use and its negative health impacts among individuals with substance use disorder (SUD) and those at risk for SUD.
Enhances the work of medical examiners and coroners in the U.S. by providing funds to agencies accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduated Medical Education (ACGME) to recruit qualified applicants for fellowship programs. Improves medical and legal death investigation services by assisting medical examiner and coroner agencies seeking to achieve or maintain accreditation through an independent accrediting organization.
Awards funding to support programs that enhance the quality and quantity of services available to minor victims of human trafficking, as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), as amended. Aims to implement trauma-informed, culturally/gender responsive, and developmentally appropriate victim services, utilizing evidence-based practices widely accepted in other child- and youth-serving systems.
Awards grant funds to develop, expand, or strengthen victim service programs for adult or a combination of adult and youth victims of human trafficking. Promotes victim-centered and trauma-informed programs, policies, and resources to enhance justice, access, and empowerment for victims. Includes the direct delivery of behavioral and physical healthcare services for the target population under Purpose Area 5.
Provides funds to expand substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and recovery support services in existing drug courts that use the problem solving court model, including adult treatment drug courts (ATDCs), family treatment drug courts (FTDCs), or adult tribal healing to wellness courts (ATHWCs). Seeks to break the cycle of criminal behavior, alcohol and drug use, and incarceration by providing effective and comprehensive SUD treatment services to individuals with SUD involved with the justice system.
Offers flexible funding to provide family-based services for pregnant and postpartum women diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD), with a particular emphasis on treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD). Assists states in establishing a continuum of care for pregnant and postpartum women in community-based settings. Supports new approaches and service delivery models designed to enhance coordination and efficiency in state systems managed by a state substance use agency. Aims to improve maternal and child health outcomes, decrease infant mortality, and reduce the negative impact of substance use on women, children, and family members.
Offers funding to recruit and train emergency medical services (EMS) personnel in rural areas with a primary focus on addressing substance use disorders (SUDs) and co-occurring mental health conditions (COD). Supports training on trauma-informed, recovery-based SUD/COD emergency care for rural residents, including the use of naloxone for the reversal of opioid overdose, and helps EMS staff meet federal or state licensing or certification requirements.
Awards funding to establish clinical rotations for physician assistant (PA) students in rural areas. Supports the development of rotations of at least 3 months that integrate primary care and behavioral health services, with the goal of increasing the number of PAs who choose to practice in rural areas after graduation and are trained to prevent, identify, diagnose, treat, and refer services for behavioral health conditions, including the provision of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD). Offers financial assistance to trainees during rotations in a rural primary care setting.
Helps land-grant colleges and universities create community-based outreach and extension services to improve health and wellness in rural areas by offering reliable information on health, wellness, and safety to individuals and families.
Funds economic revitalization projects in the Appalachian region focused on building businesses, workforce ecosystems, infrastructure, culture and tourism, and leadership capacity to meet Appalachian Regional Commission's strategic investment goals. Gives priority to investments for building a competitive workforce, fostering entrepreneurial activities, developing industry clusters, and broadband initiatives.
Awards grants for the deployment of broadband in rural communities where private sector internet service providers are unable to develop the infrastructure to provide broadband service due to economic and cost challenges. Support internet services to foster economic development and employment, and improve educational and healthcare opportunities in eligible areas.
Provides resources focused on improving mental health outcomes in children and youth, from birth to age 21, at risk for or with serious emotional disturbances (SED) and their families. Supports the implementation, expansion, and integration of a System of Care (SOC) approach to create sustainable infrastructure and services that are required as part of the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and their Families Program, also known as the Children's Mental Health Initiative (CMHI). CMHI seeks to prepare children and youth at risk for or with SED for successful transition to adulthood and assumption of adult roles and responsibilities.
Supports efforts to address the opioid crisis in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities through locally designed prevention, treatment, recovery, and aftercare services for mental health and substance use disorder (SUD). Aims to raise awareness and education of opioid interventions that are family-centered and culturally appropriate, create comprehensive community opioid support teams, and increase the use of medication-assisted treatment (MAT)/medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) to meet treatment needs and reduce opioid overdose in AI/AN communities. COIPP is an initiative of IHS's Alcohol and Substance Abuse Branch (ASAB).
Provides funds to organizations to engage and manage individuals aged 55 and older to serve as experienced tutors and mentors to children and youth with special or exceptional needs, or children who would benefit from the one-on-one attention. Volunteers serve in various settings, including schools, Head Start programs, hospitals, drug treatment centers, correctional institutions, and childcare centers.
Provides funds to organizations to engage and manage individuals aged 55 and older to provide companionship and support to other adults in need of extra assistance to remain at home or in the community for as long as possible. Volunteers service time usually takes place in the homes of their clients.
Offers funding to state and local health departments to work with HIV clinical providers in developing approaches that utilize culturally competent community health worker (CHW) services to conduct outreach and re-engage people with HIV in care who are living in rural areas. Services include connecting individuals to mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) services, and other supports necessary to help participants enter, re-engage, and remain in HIV care and treatment.
Provides funding to organizations to engage AmeriCorps members to build public health capacity in local communities by serving in state, local, tribal, and territorial public health departments. Aims to meet local public health needs and advance equitable outcomes for underserved communities. Activities may include mental health education and awareness, social service navigation, and crisis response for opioids, suicide, and mental health.
Provides funding to enhance or expand existing farm to school initiatives and other food and agriculture experiential learning initiatives, especially in underserved and rural areas. Seeks to reduce food loss and waste, improve food quality and children's nutrition, and promote knowledge of agriculture by engaging schools directly with local and regional agricultural producers and other parts of the food system.
Supports research projects that implement innovative strategies to reduce opioid, stimulant, and/or poly-drug overdose in high-risk communities. Promotes the use of evidence-based practices in new or existing programs and emphasizes the evaluation of new and promising approaches. Establishes partnerships between public safety and public health agencies to address harms related to opioid, stimulant, and poly-substance use and overdose.
Offers flexible block grant funding to states, territories and freely associated states, and one tribe to design and implement activities and services to address the complex needs of individuals, families, and communities affected by substance use disorder (SUD). Funds can be used to establish statewide programs and services or to make sub-awards to local organizations to provide SUD services in their region. All activities and services must address core SUBG program purposes. Supports SUD treatment, programs, and services for the following populations and services areas: pregnant women, women with dependent children, IV drug users, tuberculosis services, HIV/AIDS early intervention services, and primary prevention services.
Provides funding to develop internships, field placements, and other experiential training opportunities for individuals training in behavioral health professions focused on serving children and youth ages 16-25 in rural and underserved communities. Aims to expand access to behavioral healthcare for rural and underserved children and youth with mental health and substance use disorders (SUD) by increasing the supply and distribution of behavioral health providers. Assists in recruiting and training behavioral health professionals by increasing the number of clinical supervisors, providing stipend support for trainees, and connecting graduates to employment opportunities.
Funds to develop, improve, and/or enhance statewide or regional networks to expand the capacity of healthcare providers' to screen, assess, treat, and refer pregnant and postpartum people for maternal mental health and substance use disorder (SUD), especially for rural and medically underserved areas.
Provides peer recovery support services to individuals with or in recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) or co-occurring substance use and mental disorders (COD). Promotes long-term recovery supports, in coordination with clinical SUD treatment, that are led by peers in recovery who reflect the communities they serve. Increases access to recovery support services through training and support for current and new peer recovery specialists and supervisors, especially those from historically underserved communities.
Strengthens the relationship between recovery organizations, their statewide networks of recovery stakeholders, and healthcare systems to improve recovery services for individuals with substance use disorder (SUD). Aims to promote and integrate recovery organizations and peer recovery support services (PRSS) across coordinated state and local networks through increased collaboration, training, and participation in multilevel planning, policy, and program development activities.
Provides funding to support services, training, and collaboration with partners focused on helping individuals in treatment or recovery with substance use disorder (SUD) or co-occurring disorder (COD) live independently and participate in the workforce.
Provides funding to prevent substance misuse and address mental health issues by establishing and expanding behavioral healthcare services in rural communities for children and adolescents aged 5-17 who are at risk for, have, or are recovering from a behavioral health disorder.
Provides funding to enhance the ability of state health departments to track and prevent nonfatal and fatal overdoses and identify emerging drug threats by supporting surveillance and prevention strategies designed to reduce overdose morbidity and mortality. Emphasizes activities focused on opioid, stimulants, and polysubstance use and works to address health inequities and increase access to care and services for populations at high-risk for overdose, including rural communities and tribal populations.
Provides funding for local health departments, special district health departments, and territorial governments to implement data-based surveillance and prevention strategies to reduce overdose morbidity and mortality in communities. Emphasizes activities focused on opioids and stimulants. Seeks to address health inequities and increase access to care for populations at high-risk for overdose, including rural communities and tribal populations.
Provides comprehensive, coordinated, evidence-based services for individuals, youth, and families currently experiencing or at risk of homelessness who are diagnosed with serious mental illness (SMI), serious emotional disturbance (SED), and/or a co-occurring disorder (COD). Aims to engage and connect the target population to behavioral health treatment, case management, and recovery support services and help them secure sustainable permanent housing. Assists participants in identifying and obtaining resources for health insurance that help individuals maintain their treatment, recovery, and housing status.
Funds treatment, recovery, case management, and harm reduction services and programs in residential treatment facilities for pregnant and postpartum women with substance use disorder (SUD) to support and sustain recovery. Aims to reduce infant and maternal mortality; improve family dynamics through access to treatment; and increase access to evidence-based SUD residential services.
Expands access at the community level to naloxone and other medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency treatment of opioid overdose by establishing best practices for prescribing overdose reversal drugs. Provides training and resources to prescribers and providers and ensures protocols are in place to connect people who have experienced overdose to appropriate follow-up care and substance use treatment, including medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) and behavioral therapies. Focuses on specific urban and rural populations to address the needs and expand workforce capacity in communities highly impacted by overdose and reduce overdose deaths.
Funds the implementation and expansion of local efforts to enhance community infrastructure to address behavioral health treatment and other services for substance use disorder (SUD) and other co-occurring disorders (CODs) for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Provides comprehensive, coordinated services such as behavioral health outreach, treatment, peer support, recovery support services (RSS), case management, and connections to sustainable permanent housing.
Assists rural communities working to reduce the incidence and impact of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) among pregnant, postpartum, and persons of childbearing age who are diagnosed with or at risk for opioid use disorder (OUD) and/or other substance use disorders (SUDs). Supports the implementation of evidence-based OUD/SUD prevention, treatment, and recovery strategies designed to improve systems of care, family supports, and social determinants of health (SDOH) in rural areas.
Provides funds to expand access to treatment, recovery, and reentry services for sentenced adults in the criminal justice system with a substance use disorder (SUD) and possible co-occurring mental illness. Seeks to reduce substance use and involvement with the criminal justice system by helping individuals successfully reintegrate into the community upon release from prisons, jails, or detention centers.
Helps local governments and their community partners respond to trauma and stress related to civil unrest, community violence, and/or collective trauma within the past 24 months. Provides violence prevention and youth engagement programs along with trauma-informed behavioral health services to at-risk youth and families impacted by community disruption and violence. Develops coalitions of local government agencies, community organizations, and residents to deliver resources and services and bring about positive community change and healing.
Funds to develop and implement community- and school-based strategies to prevent and mitigate the harm of community violence. Strengthens school's capacity to prevent violence and address trauma, anxiety, depression, delinquency, and other physical, psychological, and emotional harms related to students' exposure to violence. Helps schools provide training, staff, and resources to increase students' access to culturally adapted, trauma-informed mental health services and other supports.
Aims to increase the affordability, accessibility, acceptability, and availability of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) by establishing new MAT access points in rural communities. Enhances the capacity to provide MAT treatment services for people in rural areas with or at risk of opioid use disorder (OUD), with focus on underserved populations. Promotes the use of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications for the treatment of OUD along with supportive services, including counseling and behavioral therapies. Supports the use MAT to treat alcohol use disorder, if the need exists.
Offers funding and technical assistance to state and local corrections agencies to build their capacity to implement and expand services and support for individuals re-entering the community after incarceration or those on probation or parole. Promotes reentry and supervision success through programs designed to identify and meet individual needs of the target population and the use of technology to track outcomes and inform decision making.
Supports community-driven efforts to deliver evidence-based, culturally appropriate substance use prevention, treatment, and aftercare services for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities. Works to expand access to behavioral health services; improve care coordination and cross-system collaboration; and engage family, youth, and community resources to reduce substance use disorder (SUD) and overall substance misuse in tribal communities. SASP is an initiative of the IHS Alcohol and Substance Abuse Branch (ASAB).
Provides funds to implement evidence-based or promising prevention, treatment, and recovery activities for substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD), in rural communities. Expands access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services for rural residents diagnosed with or at risk of OUD/SUD, their families, and others in the community.
Offers funding for education and job training services for young adults ages 18 to 24 who are involved in the criminal justice system or those who left high school before graduation. Establishes partnerships between community colleges, the criminal justice system, employers, and other stakeholders to improve workforce outcomes for the target population. Builds capacity in community colleges to provide occupational training and helps young adults reentering society from the criminal justice system gain skills and education to meet the needs of the local labor market and find stable employment in high-demand occupations.
Provides funds to implement evidence-based prevention, treatment, and recovery activities in rural communities to address psychostimulant use disorders and the misuse of psychostimulants, including methamphetamine, cocaine, ecstasy, and prescription stimulants. Expands access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services for rural residents diagnosed with or at risk of psychostimulant use disorder, their families, and others in the community.
Provides funding to enhance established community-based coalitions working to address the use and misuse of opioids, methamphetamines, and prescription medications among youth ages 12-18. Strengthens cooperation between leaders, groups, organizations, and agencies across the community to implement strategies and services that help identify at-risk youth, reduce substance use, and create safer and healthier communities.
Serves adolescents, aged 12-18, and transitional youth, aged 16-25, with substance use disorder (SUD) and/or co-occurring substance use and mental disorders (COD) by expanding access to evidence-based early intervention, treatment, and recovery support services. Involves family members/primary caregivers in the treatment and recovery process, and focuses on reducing health disparities among underserved female and racial/ethnic minority populations.
Provides funding for the creation of employment and training programs in high demand rural healthcare occupations, including behavioral and mental healthcare. Seeks to address rural health workforce shortages by increasing the number of individuals training in occupations that directly impact the care of rural populations. Assists unemployed, underemployed, and incumbent workers to transition into sustainable health careers that qualify as middle or high-skilled occupations under the H-1B visa program. Focuses on training for veterans, military spouses, transitioning service members, women, people of color, ex-offenders, people with disabilities, and other underrepresented rural populations.
Strengthens rural communities' ability to conduct planning to engage high risk populations and expand capacity for effective prevention, treatment, and recovery responses to substance use disorder (SUD) and opioid use disorder (OUD) in rural counties.
Provides funding to establish 4 regional networks that connect individuals in farming, ranching, and other agricultural occupations to stress assistance programs. Strengthens coping skills and helps improve the quality of life for farmers, ranchers, and their families through programs that provide professional behavioral health counseling, outreach, information, resources, and referrals.
Offers funds to community coalitions to continue grant activities under a previously awarded Drug-Free Communities Support Program grant. Coalitions utilize a wide-range of evidence-based prevention strategies to address local environmental factors related to substance use among youth age 18 or younger and seek to promote positive, sustainable, community-level change.
Expands and enhances existing 12-month nurse practitioner (NP) residency programs with the goal of increasing the number of new, qualified primary care or behavioral health NPs prepared to work in integrated, community-based settings, especially in rural or underserved areas.
Provides funding to existing USDA Cooperative Extension grantees to develop and offer training and technical assistance for rural communities to help combat the effects of the opioid crisis and/or stimulant issues. Supports education and training on prevention, treatment, and recovery activities related to opioid use disorder (OUD) and stimulant use disorder and works to share successful model programs.
Provides funding, technical assistance, and training to support direct services for children and youth who are crime victims and have been impacted the current crisis of addiction and substance use, including the use of opioids, methamphetamines, other substance misuse, and polysubstance use. Supports services for children and youth ages 0-18 and includes direct service activities such as information about and referral to trauma-informed victim services, personal advocacy, medical services, on-scene emotional support at drug/crime related incidents, and follow-up care, including counseling, support groups, and other types of mental health treatment.
Aims to increase the number of primary care physicians capable and willing to provide care to rural and/or underserved communities by funding accredited residency training program improvements in family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, or combined internal medicine and pediatrics. Works to reduce healthcare expenses, improve care quality, and increase access to healthcare by preparing and encouraging residency graduates to serve in rural and/or underserved areas.
Provides funding to state workforce agencies and tribal organizations to make subgrants to local workforce development boards to address the economic, workforce, and health impacts of the opioid crisis in communities with high rates of substance use disorder (SUD). Supports collaboration between key community stakeholders to provide career, job training, and employment services to help individuals find and retain employment. Funds comprehensive screening services, outpatient recovery care, and other services for individuals with SUD that can also support their efforts to obtain and/or maintain employment.
Provides funding for the development of partnerships and pilot projects to support and improve the coordination and efficiency of transportation services and nonemergency medical transportation services, including improving public transit services to disadvantaged and rural communities. Aims to make healthcare and other essential community services more accessible to older adults, people with disabilities, and individuals with low income.
Funds for demonstration projects to support statewide adoption of the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) mobile tool. ODMAP helps states quickly track and analyze fatal and nonfatal opioid overdoses and the administration of naloxone by first responders. Works to establish coalitions in local communities to use ODMAP data to inform public health and safety interventions for specific geographic areas or populations at high risk for overdose.
Provides funding to strengthen experiential training for behavioral health paraprofessional students focused on prevention, treatment, and recovery services for substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD). Emphasizes training that addresses the specific challenges of children, adolescents, and transitional-age youth at risk for behavioral health disorders. Seeks to expand access to quality SUD/OUD treatment and services in high need, high demand areas by increasing the number of qualified behavioral health paraprofessionals working in community-based settings.
Supports recovery community organizations (RCOs) in expanding peer recovery support services (PRSS) to people with substance use disorder (SUD) and their family members. PRSS utilizes peer leaders, individuals who have experienced addiction and recovery, to help people with SUD stay in recovery by offering support in the areas of housing, employment, education, social connection, and abstinence from substance use. Peer leaders are involved at all levels of designing, developing, and implementing programs.