Resources: Housing and Homelessness
Offers training, technical assistance, resources, and other learning opportunities to support and enhance peer recovery support services in the U.S. Focuses on building and advancing recovery supports and services across service settings and in purposed-focused settings; developing the peer workforce; and advancing, educating and informing on evidence-based practices and research related to peer recovery support services.
Provides training and technical assistance to jurisdictions to develop, implement, and expand comprehensive efforts to identify, respond to, treat, and support individuals impacted by the use and misuse of opioids, stimulants, and other substances. Promotes access to treatment and recovery services in the criminal justice system, data collection and sharing, leveraging resources and funding, and efforts to prevent substance misuse.
Offers technical assistance to state and local agencies and organizations to strengthen justice systems, reduce recidivism, and improve policy and practice to increase access to services for behavioral health, housing, education/employment, victim support, and more.
Shares strategies, considerations, and information for behavioral health and other healthcare practitioners working to expand access to mental health and/or substance use disorder (SUD) treatment for people experiencing homelessness. Highlights 4 case studies of organizations working to address mental health and SUD among populations experiencing homelessness, including a rural specific example located in Colorado.
Offers an opportunity for first responder organizations operating deflection initiatives for people with substance use disorders (SUDs) to apply to become a mentor site to provide peer-to-peer mentoring to other first responder organizations interested in establishing or enhancing a deflection program. Promotes deflection as an innovative model to support individuals in the community with opioid, stimulant, and other SUDs, mental health and/or co-occurring disorders while avoiding involvement with the justice system.
Provides technical assistance to help establish and expand recovery housing services and evidence-based treatment and prevention programs across the U.S., with a focus on counties with the highest rates of overdose deaths.
Offers training and resources to OVC Human Trafficking grantees on trauma-informed, survivor-centered housing practices for survivors of human trafficking. Aims to build the capacity, skills, and knowledge base of providers on accessing emergency, transitional, or long-term housing options for survivors of human trafficking.
Provides a series of workbooks to assist homeless response staff in implementing harm reduction strategies and housing first principles to address the issues of homelessness and substance use disorders in rural communities. Offers practical guidance, implementation strategies, basic information, reflection questions, and additional resources to help rural practitioners gain the capacity and knowledge base to better serve the target population.
Helps veterans achieve success and avoid homelessness following release from incarceration in state or federal prison. Provides outreach and assessment services; referral services to connect veterans to clinical, mental health, and social services, such as job assistance; and short-term case management support.
Serves as an information clearinghouse on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs, services, resources, tools, and training to support housing and economic development in rural and underserved areas, including tribal populations and veterans. Offers individual technical assistance and peer learning opportunities. Includes detailed case studies of successful programs and information on rural programs HUD previously funded.
Interview with Callan Howton, Director of the National Peer-Run Training and Technical Assistance Center for Addiction Recovery Peer Support. Highlights how this model of providing recovery housing can be used to advance recovery communities and help individuals maintain recovery from substance use during periods of change and disruption.
Offers a variety of resources and information to jurisdictions seeking to reduce criminal justice involvement and improve outcomes for individuals with mental health and/or co-occurring substance use disorders. Supports the implementation of best practices, policies, and strategies at every point in the criminal justice system, from pre-arrest through reentry. Provides targeted resources to BJA's Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program and Connect and Protect: Law Enforcement Behavioral Health program grantees and supports other communities in their efforts to enhance crisis responses, connect individuals to treatment and services, and improve public safety.
Provides a directory of national, state, and local programs and services to support recovery, rehabilitation and community reintegration for military service members, veterans, their families, and caregivers. Helps connect individuals to a range of services and resources, including substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and recovery support.
Provides guidance to policymakers, communities, and key stakeholders to develop and implement system- and practice-level changes to reduce opioid overdose deaths. Presents results from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Initiative's HEALing Communities Study. Outlines priority populations and 19 evidence-based interventions to prevent and reduce opioid related overdose deaths. Offers resources on various topics related to opioid overdose and highlights model programs, including those serving rural areas.
Provides information on innovative and promising practices that support recovery from substance use disorders and behavioral health in rural, frontier, and tribal communities. Includes strategies and examples from rural settings on recovery related topics, such as growing peer workforce; addressing stigma; improving technology access; strengthening recovery ecosystems; identifying funding resources; and collaborating with local, state, and federal partners.
Offers a collection of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) programs and resources designed to prevent and end homelessness among men, women, youth, and families with mental illness or substance use disorder (SUD). Includes grant programs, services, and related resources on behavioral health treatment, employment assistance, housing/shelter programs, case management, trauma, as well as links to help individuals find immediate help and treatment.
Offers training, technical assistance, and resources to states, tribes, territories, and communities to example the delivery of recovery support services, including peer support services and recovery housing, in the U.S. Partners with people in recovery, providers, family members, and others to improve behavioral health outcomes.
Provides training and technical assistance to help states and communities establish local programs to support Supplemental Security Income/Social Security Disability Insurance (SSI/SSDI) outreach, access, and recovery efforts, also known as SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) model implementation. Seeks to increase access to SSI/SSDI benefits for eligible children and adults who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a serious mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder. Offers resources and training to enhance the ability of case managers to provide comprehensive SSI/SSDI application assistance to help individuals obtain their SSI/SSDI benefits, which can serve as an important resource to sustain individuals in treatment and recovery and secure permanent housing.
Seeks to identify justice-involved veterans and contact them through outreach in order to facilitate access to U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) services through Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) specialists at the earliest possible point. Builds and maintains partnerships between the VA and key elements of the criminal justice system, with the goal of preventing homelessness among veterans upon release from incarceration.