Resources: Pre-K to 12 Schools
Provides information to law enforcement, courts, child welfare agencies, and schools on how they can create cross-sector collaborations to reduce the harmful effects of substance use on children and families. Includes 8 strategies for cross-sector collaboration and provides examples of successful collaboration projects. Considers factors related to addressing substance use in rural communities.
Fact sheet detailing a 6-step planning process to help schools and institutions of higher education develop or update emergency operation plans (EOPs) to address overdose and other potential threats and issues resulting from fentanyl and opioid misuse. Discusses the 5 mission areas of preparedness for opioid-related emergencies and the effects of the opioid crisis on school-aged children, young adults, and school safety. Includes links to additional resources and information to aid in the development of school EOPs, and programs and activities to prepare for and respond to an opioid overdose.
Delivers information, resources, technical assistance, and training to K-12 schools and institutions of higher learning to assess school climate, implement evidence-based programs to improve learning conditions, and measure outcomes in 3 core areas: providing a well-rounded education, improving the safety and health of students, and improving the effective use of technology. Offers multiple products, policy guides, toolkits, research, media, online events and training related to issues of substance and opioid misuse for students, families, schools, and communities.
Assists schools and school districts with the implementation of a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework to improve students' social, emotional, and physical well-being, reducing disruptive behavior, and creating a positive learning environment. Uses a multi-tiered framework that reaches all students while allowing for more focused intervention and support for at-risk students and students with disabilities. Includes resources and blueprints for implementing school-wide responses to the opioid crisis and substance use. Offers direct onsite technical assistance to district and state leadership teams as well as indirect assistance through online resources, national and regional conferences, and collaborations with other technical assistance centers and organizations.
Provides tools, publications, and other resources for schools to provide services, support, and interventions to address opioid and substance misuse for students and their families. Includes information on substance use and related trauma among students. Discusses implementing positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) to improve school climate and reduce substance use.
Offers information and resources on challenges faced by children and youth, such as those related to bullying, mental health, substance use, and violence. Highlights several Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) programs for educators and parents, including Project AWARE, Trauma-Informed Services in Schools (TISS), and the campaign "Talk. They Hear You."
Provides information for state and local early intervention systems regarding the prevalence of infants and toddlers prenatally exposed to substances, and resources and supports needed to promote positive outcomes for these infants and their families. Shares links to key research, policy, guidance, state examples, and evidence-based practices for supporting young children exposed prenatally to substances and their families.