Opioid Affected Youth Initiative (OAYI) Technical Assistance




Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)


Offers technical assistance and resources to OJJDP's Opioid Affected Youth Initiative grantees working to develop and implement interventions to identify, respond to, and support children, youth, and families impacted by opioids and other substance use disorders (SUDs). Supports integrated, strategic approaches to substance use issues and promotes multidisciplinary collaboration between juvenile justice and juvenile court systems, mental and behavioral health services, child welfare, healthcare, and other stakeholders.

What This Program Offers

Opioid Affected Youth Initiative (OAYI) Technical Assistance can provide:

  • Customized technical assistance in the following program areas:
    • Initiating a multidisciplinary task force or governing body with working groups to identify areas of concern
    • Collecting and interpreting data to help the task force develop strategies and programming services
    • Coordinating response efforts and resources for prevention, treatment, and recovery for the target population
    • Implementing services to address public safety; intervention and prevention activities; and diversion services for the target population
  • A map of all currently funded OAYI projects and highlights of grantee outcomes
  • News, announcements, a podcast, and funding updates for OAYI grantees
  • A resource library with publications and resources to support OAYI program activities

Who Can Receive Services from This Program

Eligibility is limited to Opioid Affected Youth Initiative grantees.

Geographic Coverage



There is no application process to receive assistance. Requests for technical assistance can be made through OJJDP's TTA360 online portal.

For additional questions:
Online contact form


Attorneys and Courts • Child Welfare • Community Planning and Coalition Building • Juvenile Justice • Mental Health • Prevention • Substance Use Disorder • Treatment