Treatment Court Institute
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
Provides training and technical assistance to treatment courts and treatment court professionals, including BJA Adult Drug Court Grantees, to enhance the capacity, knowledge, and skills of treatment court programs to effectively deliver services to justice-involved individuals impacted by substance use and create safer and healthier communities. Offers resources, materials, and programming to support treatment courts in implementing best practices, building recovery capital, and other support services for the target population and their families dealing with issues related to substance use.
What This Program Offers
The Treatment Court Institute can provide:
- Comprehensive technical assistance from Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) providers on topics related to juvenile justice and treatment court operations
- Statewide, individual, or virtual trainings
- Guidance documents, including the planning guides and best practices
- Adolescent Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (AROSC) project for selected treatment courts focused on building recovery capital and supports for youth
- Opportunities to connect with other treatment court professionals and experts in the field
Who Can Receive Services from This Program
Jurisdictions seeking to enhance the operation of treatment courts are eligible for assistance, treatment court professionals, and BJA Adult Drug Court Grantees.
Geographic Coverage
Submit the online application to request training and technical assistance.
Attorneys and Courts • Substance Use Disorder • Treatment