Funding: Infrastructure

Open Funding Opportunities

Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant Program (REDLG)

Offers grants and zero-interest loans to local utility organizations who provide funding options for local businesses. Supports economic development in rural areas by funding projects designed to create or preserve job opportunities.

Application Deadline: Mar 31, 2025
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
AmeriCorps State and National Native Nations Grants

Awards funding to tribes and tribal organizations to engage AmeriCorps members in evidence-based or evidence-informed interventions and practices to strengthen tribal communities.

Application Deadline: Apr 9, 2025
Sponsor: AmeriCorps
USDA Community Connect Grants

Awards grants for the deployment of broadband in rural communities where private sector internet service providers are unable to develop the infrastructure to provide broadband service due to economic and cost challenges. Supports internet services to foster economic development and employment, and improve educational and healthcare opportunities in eligible areas.

Application Deadline: Apr 21, 2025
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
The Rural Health Care Program

Offers a discount on telecommunication expenses and network equipment for healthcare facilities to increase connectivity and access to broadband in rural areas to provide and improve healthcare.

Application Deadline: Jun 2, 2025
Sponsor: Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC)
Business & Industry Loan Guarantees

Offers loan guarantees to rural businesses to increase access to business capital and improve rural economies. Allows commercial lenders to offer affordable financing to rural businesses to support business operations and create or preserve employment opportunities.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program

Provides grants and direct loans to assist rural areas with the development of essential community facilities, including purchasing equipment, paying for related project costs, and purchasing, improving, or constructing essential community facilities. Examples of essential community facilities include healthcare facilities, public facilities, community support services, public safety services, educational services, utility services, and local food systems.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
Community Facilities Relending Program

Provides loans to eligible lenders who re-lend the funds to economically distressed rural areas with high or persistent poverty for the construction or improvement of essential community infrastructure, such as hospitals, medical and dental clinics, childcare centers, street improvements, and public safety services. Offers technical assistance and financial expertise to help high or persistent poverty areas gain access to capital, improve community facilities and services, and enhance the quality of life for rural residents.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
E-Rate Program: The Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism

Offers discounts to help schools and libraries with costs towards eligible data transmission services, internet access, internal connections, managed internal broadband services, and basic maintenance of internal connections.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC)
Economic Development Assistance Programs (EDAP): Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Program (PWEAA)

Supports the planning and implementation of economic development and revitalization projects in areas facing economic disruption and hardship, including rural and American Indian and Alaska Native tribal communities. Helps communities attract investment, create and retain new businesses and jobs, provide job training and education opportunities for dislocated workers, and enhance technology and infrastructure.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Economic Development Administration (EDA)
EDA Planning and Local Technical Assistance Programs

Provides economically distressed areas, including rural and tribal communities, with resources to address their individual economic needs with the goal of creating and retaining jobs, developing workforce, advancing innovation, and increasing private investments. Supports strategies that build regional assets and provide local and regional capacity building and economic development.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Economic Development Administration (EDA)
Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310)

Funds for planning, designing, and implementing transportation services in urban and rural areas. Supports projects to enhance mobility and increase access to transportation services for older adults and people with disabilities, including those with a drug addiction that limits major life activities.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Formula Grants for Rural Areas

Provides funding to assist states and tribes with supporting, maintaining, and expanding upon current public transit services in rural communities to enhance access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. States may either carry out public transit projects directly or grant funds to subrecipients to meet local transportation needs.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Grants for Rural and Native Alaskan Villages

Aims to provide households and businesses in rural communities or Native villages in Alaska with clean, reliable drinking water and waste disposal systems. Provides funds to remove sanitation barriers to improve the health and hygiene of residents in remote and isolated areas of Alaska.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
High Cost Program - Connect America Fund

Offers financial support to telecommunication service providers who provide rural communities with access to high-speed broadband access, specifically in markets that do not support the infrastructure and network costs of telecommunications carriers' providing the service.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC)
Indian Housing Block Grant Program (IHBG)

Funds for American Indian and Alaska Native communities to provide safe and affordable housing for tribal residents. Supports new housing construction, housing rehabilitation, land acquisition, and infrastructure projects that support housing development. Provides low-income individuals, students, and families with rental assistance, loans and assistance programs for homebuyers, rehabilitation assistance for homeowners, and other housing services. Encourages model activities to help identify innovative solutions to address tribal housing issues and homelessness, prevent crime, and improve safety and accessibility.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH)
Multifamily Housing Loan Guarantees

Seeks to increase the amount of affordable rental housing available in rural areas to individuals and families with low and moderate income. Offers loan guarantees to qualified private-sector lenders who provide financing to borrowers for the construction, acquisition, and improvement of multifamily rental housing units. Funds may also be used to purchase or improve land and to provide necessary infrastructure.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
Public Housing Neighborhood Networks (NN)

Provides funds to establish and maintain Neighborhood Networks (NN), or community technology centers within public housing buildings or developments, that provide computer and internet access to public housing residents. Offers computer training, services, and programs to help residents become economically self-sufficient. Public housing authorities use their capital funds and operating funds to build and operate neighborhood network centers.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH)
Telecommunications Infrastructure Loans & Loan Guarantees

Aims to improve rural communications and economic development by providing loans and technical assistance to build, improve, and further develop telecommunication services in rural communities.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
Tribal College Initiative Grants

Offers grants to tribal colleges and universities to purchase equipment, improve infrastructure for educational facilities, and develop essential community facilities.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
Tribal Housing Activities Loan Guarantee Program (Title VI)

Offers loan guarantees to enable tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHE) participating in the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHGB) program to secure additional financing from private lenders to support affordable housing projects for American Indian and Alaska Native families with low income. Allows tribes to carry out larger projects and complete projects sooner while reducing costs. Supports the construction of new housing and community facilities, housing rehabilitation, and planning costs, as well as infrastructure projects and land acquisition related to housing.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH)

Inactive Funding Opportunities

Many inactive programs are likely to be offered again. Grant deadlines are often short, and viewing inactive programs can give you a head start in applying next time.

Tribal Justice System Infrastructure Program (TJSIP): Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) Purpose Area #4 Inactive

Funds to support the renovation and expansion of existing facilities and building prefabricated or permanent modular facilities for tribal justice systems. Supports infrastructure in locations that lack permanent or sufficient structures for staff, resident, and inmate safety and security issues. Seeks to improve the physical infrastructure and tribal justice system facilities to increase their functional capacity to reduce recidivism, provide staff training and support other activities impacting staff health, wellness, and fitness. Part of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS).

Application Deadline: Mar 18, 2025
Sponsor: Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
Distance Learning & Telemedicine Grants Inactive

Funds telecommunication projects that support distance learning and telemedicine services to increase access to education, training, and healthcare resources for students, teachers, medical professionals, and residents in rural areas. Emphasizes telecommunication projects that address substance use disorders (SUDs), including opioid misuse.

Application Deadline: Mar 6, 2025
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
Rural Business Development Grants (RBDG) Inactive

Offers funding to support technical assistance and training for rural businesses that have fewer than 50 new workers and generate a gross revenue less than $1,000,000. Funds can also be used on projects to support and benefit rural businesses as specified in the grant application. Supports the expansion of rural businesses through economic development, planning, and other related activities.

Application Deadline: Feb 28, 2025
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program (Tribal Transit Program) Inactive

Provides funding to Native American tribes for public transit services in rural areas. Funds may be used for planning, operating, and capital expenses, including start-up, replacement, or expansion needs.

Application Deadline: Nov 13, 2024
Sponsor: Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Broadband Technical Assistance Program Inactive

Offers financial assistance to eligible entities to receive or deliver broadband technical assistance and training. Supports activities that promote broadband expansion in rural areas, including project planning and community engagement, financial sustainability, environmental compliance, construction and engineering planning, accessing federal resources, and data collection and reporting.

Application Deadline: Aug 20, 2024
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant Inactive

Provides technical assistance and training to community facilities programs to help rural areas meet their needs for community facilities, including schools, hospitals, public facilities, community support services, public safety services, and other essential facilities. Supports communities in identifying and planning for community facility needs, accessing sources of funding, and improving the operation and financial management of facilities.

Application Deadline: Jul 3, 2024
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
ReConnect Loan and Grant Program Inactive

Provides loans and grants to help expand broadband access to rural communities without sufficient high-speed internet connectivity. Aims to increase private sector investment to support the construction or improvement of critical broadband infrastructure to deliver internet access to a wide range of rural sites and facilities, including residential homes, community healthcare and public safety facilities, schools, libraries, business and industry, agricultural operations, and other sites.

Application Deadline: May 28, 2024
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
Connected Care Pilot Program Inactive

Provides funding to healthcare providers to offset costs associated with providing connected healthcare services to patients, with an emphasis on connected services for veterans and individuals with low income. Funds may cover up to 85% of the eligible costs of broadband connectivity for patients and providers, certain network equipment, and information services necessary for the delivery of connected care services to patient populations that may otherwise have difficulty accessing care.

Application Deadline: Dec 7, 2020
Sponsor: Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC)
Rural Broadband Loans, Loan/Grant Combinations, and Loan Guarantees (Farm Bill Broadband Program) Inactive

Provides loans and loan guarantees to build, improve, or acquire the facilities and equipment necessary to deliver services at the broadband lending speed to eligible rural areas. Supports projects that improve rural economies and the quality of life in rural communities. Seeks to fund projects related to technological innovation, e-connectivity, and the rural workforce.

Application Deadline: Sep 30, 2019
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)