Funding: Health and Wellness

Open Funding Opportunities

AmeriCorps State and National Native Nations Grants

Awards funding to tribes and tribal organizations to engage AmeriCorps members in evidence-based or evidence-informed interventions and practices to strengthen tribal communities.

Application Deadline: Apr 9, 2025
Sponsor: AmeriCorps
AmeriCorps State and National Native Nations Planning Grants

Awards grants to tribes and tribal organizations to plan and develop AmeriCorps programs that will engage AmeriCorps members in projects to strengthen tribal communities.

Application Deadline: Apr 9, 2025
Sponsor: AmeriCorps
AmeriCorps State Formula Grants

Awards formula funding through a governor-appointed State or Territory Service Commission to single state programs that engage AmeriCorps members to build capacity, expand services, and help communities address their needs through service and volunteer activities. Focuses service projects on six areas: disaster services, economic opportunity, education, veterans and military families, environmental stewardship, and healthy futures. Includes service projects related to substance misuse. Supports evidence-based or evidence-informed interventions, practices, and program models.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: AmeriCorps
Grants for Rural and Native Alaskan Villages

Aims to provide households and businesses in rural communities or Native villages in Alaska with clean, reliable drinking water and waste disposal systems. Provides funds to remove sanitation barriers to improve the health and hygiene of residents in remote and isolated areas of Alaska.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)
Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) Program

Provides students with improved access to a well-rounded education, better school conditions for student learning, and increased use of technology to raise academic achievement and digital literacy. Includes alcohol and drug education and prevention efforts as well as professional development and training for school personnel and community members to identify and address substance misuse.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis
Sponsor: Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS)

Inactive Funding Opportunities

Many inactive programs are likely to be offered again. Grant deadlines are often short, and viewing inactive programs can give you a head start in applying next time.

Rural Health Care Services Outreach Program Inactive

Provides funding to support rural health outreach programs to strengthen the delivery of healthcare services to include new and enhanced services for rural and underserved populations. Promotes community engagement and collaboration through a consortium of providers to expand services using innovative, evidence-based models, with the goal of improving health outcomes and population health for rural areas.

Application Deadline: Jan 27, 2025
Sponsor: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP)
Farm to School Grant Programs Inactive

Assists schools and other eligible entities with developing, establishing, and maintaining farm to school programs. Supports a wide range of training, planning, implementation, and operational activities in order to increase student access to local food in schools. Facilitates collaboration between schools, local agricultural producers, and other community partners and promotes educational opportunities related to nutrition and local food systems.

Application Deadline: Jan 10, 2025
Sponsor: USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part C: Early Intervention Services (EIS) Program - Limited Existing Geographic Service Areas Inactive

Funds primary healthcare and support services for low-income, uninsured, and underserved populations living with HIV in an outpatient setting in existing geographic service areas. Aims to improve health outcomes for people living with HIV by funding HIV testing, counseling, and diagnostic services; referrals to healthcare and support services, such as mental health and substance use treatment; strategies to treat and prevent immune system deterioration; and more.

Application Deadline: Dec 10, 2024
Sponsor: HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)
Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Service Coordinator Program Inactive

Provides funding to public and Indian housing authorities to hire service coordinators to promote self-sufficiency for public housing residents. Service coordinators identify needs and barriers at the community and individual level and connect residents to training and support services to help them gain economic and housing stability. Works with local partners to assist residents in achieving outcomes in the areas of education; professional development; financial empowerment; and health and wellness, including mental health and substance use issues. Offers supports to help elderly and disabled residents age in place and/or live independently for as long as possible.

Application Deadline: Sep 30, 2024
Sponsor: Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH)
State Opioid Response Grants (SOR) Inactive

Offers formula grants to states to help develop and expand prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery activities for opioid use disorder (OUD) and stimulant use. Seeks to improve the accessibility and effectiveness of treatment and services for individuals with OUD, including access to Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications for the treatment of OUD.

Application Deadline: Jul 1, 2024
Sponsor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Tribal Opioid Response Grants (TOR) Inactive

Helps American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribal communities build and strengthen a comprehensive response to the opioid epidemic by providing prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and community-based recovery support services to AI/AN individuals with, or at risk for, opioid use disorder (OUD), including stimulant use disorder. Identifies and addresses gaps in services and systems of care for OUD in tribal communities, and coordinates with other federally supported opioid response efforts to increase access to innovative and culturally responsive services for people with OUD, including access to Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications for the treatment of opioid use disorder (MOUD).

Application Deadline: Jul 1, 2024
Sponsor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Promoting the Integration of Primary and Behavioral Health Care: States (PIPBHC-States) Inactive

Grants to states to support the integration of behavioral and primary physical healthcare, with the goal of improving health outcomes for individuals with behavioral health conditions. Requires state collaboration with Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), and other qualified community programs to adopt and improve integrated care models across systems.

Application Deadline: May 22, 2024
Sponsor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) Inactive

Develops, coordinates, and expands local and regional food business enterprises that function as intermediaries for indirect producer-to-consumer marketing with the goal of making local and regional agricultural products more available and accessible to communities. Supports both planning and implementation activities to establish, improve, or expand local or regional food businesses. Assists businesses through feasibility studies, market research, training, and technical assistance to strengthen food system infrastructure and increase sales of locally and regionally produced agricultural products.

Application Deadline: May 14, 2024
Sponsor: USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)
Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) Evidence Based Telehealth Network Program (EB-TNP) Inactive

Provides funding to integrate behavioral health services in primary care settings using telehealth technology through telehealth networks. Supports evidence-based projects in telehealth networks using telehealth technologies in rural and underserved areas to increase access to integrated behavioral health services in primary care settings and to improve the quality of healthcare information available to providers by evaluating the effectiveness of integrating telebehavioral health services into primary care settings.

Application Deadline: Mar 22, 2024
Sponsor: Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT)
Rural Health and Safety Education Competitive Grants Program (RHSE) Inactive

Helps land-grant colleges and universities create community-based outreach and extension services to improve health and wellness in rural areas by offering reliable information on health, wellness, and safety to individuals and families.

Application Deadline: Mar 14, 2024
Sponsor: National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
Implementation of Community Health Worker-Mediated Services for Re-Engagement to Care and Outreach for Persons with HIV in Rural Communities Inactive

Offers funding to state and local health departments to work with HIV clinical providers in developing approaches that utilize culturally competent community health worker (CHW) services to conduct outreach and re-engage people with HIV in care who are living in rural areas. Services include connecting individuals to mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) services, and other supports necessary to help participants enter, re-engage, and remain in HIV care and treatment.

Letter of Intent (Optional): Nov 13, 2023
Application Deadline: Jan 5, 2024
Sponsor: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Services Block Grant (SUBG) Inactive

Offers flexible block grant funding to states, territories and freely associated states, and one tribe to design and implement activities and services to address the complex needs of individuals, families, and communities affected by substance use disorder (SUD). Funds can be used to establish statewide programs and services or to make sub-awards to local organizations to provide SUD services in their region. All activities and services must address core SUBG program purposes. Supports SUD treatment, programs, and services for the following populations and services areas: pregnant women, women with dependent children, IV drug users, tuberculosis services, HIV/AIDS early intervention services, and primary prevention services.

Application Deadline: Oct 2, 2023
Sponsor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (MHBG) Inactive

Offers flexible block grant funding to states, territories, and freely associated states to provide comprehensive, community-based mental health services to adults with serious mental illness (SMI) and children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbances (SED). Supports collaboration by encouraging various individuals and groups to be involved in the mental health planning process, including adults participating in mental health services, family members of children with SED, and representatives from education, mental health, rehabilitation, criminal justice, and other state agencies.

Application Deadline: Sep 1, 2023
Sponsor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS) Program Inactive

Funds new full-service community schools (FSCS) programs or further development to existing programs, which includes support for planning, implementation, operation, and coordination for programs in high poverty urban and rural areas. FSCS programs provide comprehensive academic, social, and health services for students, students' family members, and community members that are designed to improve education outcomes for children.

Letter of Intent (Optional): Jul 7, 2023
Application Deadline: Aug 8, 2023
Sponsor: Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE)
Services Program for Residential Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women (PPW) Inactive

Funds treatment, recovery, case management, and harm reduction services and programs in residential treatment facilities for pregnant and postpartum women with substance use disorder (SUD) to support and sustain recovery. Aims to reduce infant and maternal mortality; improve family dynamics through access to treatment; and increase access to evidence-based SUD residential services.

Application Deadline: Mar 27, 2023
Sponsor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Youth Regional Treatment Centers Aftercare Program Inactive

Supports American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth in successfully transitioning back into the community after completing treatment at an Indian Health Services (IHS) Youth Regional Treatment Center (YRTC). Provides culturally adapted aftercare and case management services focused on whole-person wellness and community engagement to help youth achieve and sustain safety and sobriety, with an emphasis on employability as a means of achieving program goals. YRTC is an initiative of the IHS Alcohol and Substance Abuse Branch (ASAB).

Application Deadline: Sep 19, 2022
Sponsor: Indian Health Service (IHS)
Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN) Inactive

Provides funding to establish 4 regional networks that connect individuals in farming, ranching, and other agricultural occupations to stress assistance programs. Strengthens coping skills and helps improve the quality of life for farmers, ranchers, and their families through programs that provide professional behavioral health counseling, outreach, information, resources, and referrals.

Application Deadline: Jun 23, 2020
Sponsor: National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
Rural Opioids Technical Assistance Grants (ROTA) Inactive

Provides funding to existing USDA Cooperative Extension grantees to develop and offer training and technical assistance for rural communities to help combat the effects of the opioid crisis and/or stimulant issues. Supports education and training on prevention, treatment, and recovery activities related to opioid use disorder (OUD) and stimulant use disorder and works to share successful model programs.

Application Deadline: May 8, 2020
Sponsor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)