Funding Available to Businesses / For-profits
Funding Available to Businesses / For-profits
Open Funding Opportunities
Provides funding to support rural health outreach programs to strengthen the delivery of healthcare services to include new and enhanced services for rural and underserved populations. Promotes community engagement and collaboration through a consortium of providers to expand services using innovative, evidence-based models, with the goal of improving health outcomes and population health for rural areas.
Enhances the functioning of the U.S. judicial system by improving the quality of justice in state courts. Provides funding to state courts, national organizations, and other eligible organizations to address common issues and challenges faced by state courts, with a focus on SJI priority investment areas, including court responses to opioids, other dangerous drugs, and behavioral health issues. Offers the following 5 types of funding to eligible applicants on a quarterly basis: project grants, technical assistance grants, curriculum adaptation and training grants, strategic initiative grants, and education support program grants.
Offers funding to states, local and tribal governments, and community-based organizations to implement and expand services to meet the needs of incarcerated individuals and their minor children to prevent violent crime and reduce recidivism. Focuses on programs to reduce recidivism and support responsible parenting that lead to healthy child development, resiliency, and improved interactions among incarcerated parents and their minor children, family, and community members.
Supports planning activities to assist rural communities in developing integrated healthcare provider networks. Promotes the strengthening of rural healthcare systems by achieving efficiencies, expanding access to care, increasing care coordination, and improving basic healthcare services.
Grants funds to increase the participation of women and underrepresented minorities from rural areas in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Implements research, education, and extension initiatives that prepare K-12 students, which includes students in 2-year post-secondary programs, to enter STEM fields in higher education institutions. Aims to develop a qualified workforce in the areas of food and agriculture to improve economic opportunity in rural communities.
Provides funding to expand clinical training at accredited addiction medicine fellowship (AMF) and addiction psychiatry fellowship (APF) programs. Seeks to increase the number of physicians and psychiatrists working in underserved, community-based settings that integrate primary care with mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and treatment services. Seeks to improve access to addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery services for patients in rural and underserved areas.
Provides funding to national organizations operating in 45 or more states to expand existing mentoring services and activities for youth ages 17 or younger at risk for juvenile delinquency, victimization, drug use, truancy, justice system involvement, and other problematic or high-risk behaviors. Supports various evidence-based mentoring approaches, such as one-on-one, group, or peer mentoring, to meet the needs of the target youth population. Works to provide young people with opportunities for personal growth and development, while strengthening community safety.
Funds telecommunication projects that support distance learning and telemedicine services to increase access to education, training, and healthcare resources for students, teachers, medical professionals, and residents in rural areas. Emphasizes telecommunication projects that address substance use disorders (SUDs), including opioid misuse.
Provides funding to address immediate and short-term needs for substance use disorder (SUD) services in rural communities. Aims to establish or expand SUD prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery services, with the goal of reducing and preventing overdoses in rural areas.
Provides funding to support community-based partnerships and collaborations aimed at promoting access to healthcare for under-resourced and underserved children and their families in rural and underserved areas through the implementation and evaluation of new or enhanced evidence-informed, evidence-based community-based projects that deliver preventive clinical and public health services to the target population. Program focus areas include increasing behavioral health screenings and referrals for children.
Provides funding to increase the number of internships, field placements, and other experiential training opportunities for individuals working to become mental health workers, peer support specialists, and other behavioral health paraprofessionals. Promotes collaboration with community-based health partners to meet workforce demand in high need and high demand areas and expand access to quality behavioral health services, including services for the treatment of substance use disorder (SUD). Promotes interdisciplinary collaboration through team-based care and emphasizes training oriented toward the behavioral health needs of children, adolescents, and transitional-aged youth.
Offers organizations the opportunity to engage and sponsor AmeriCorps VISTA service members to help develop or expand community anti-poverty projects. AmeriCorps VISTA members commit to 1-year of full-time, volunteer service, helping to build capacity and sustainability in programs to address poverty and other issues identified by the community. Requires sponsors to operate and direct the project, recruit and supervise AmeriCorps VISTA members, and complete the necessary administrative support activities to meet the project goals. VISTA's fiscal year 2025 focus areas include economic opportunity, education, Healthy Futures, veterans and military families, and environmental stewardship. VISTA FY 2025 priority population include rural communities, native nations and tribal communities, and those experiencing deep poverty.
Offers grants and zero-interest loans to local utility organizations who provide funding options for local businesses. Supports economic development in rural areas by funding projects designed to create or preserve job opportunities.
Provides grant funds to develop and implement innovative strategies to address emerging or persistent public safety issues, crime problems, or other challenges affecting criminal justice systems. Aims to fill gaps in knowledge, build capacity, and strengthen or translate research that will reduce crime, improve community safety, and enhance justice system outcomes.
Offers grant funding to enhance behavioral health workforce capacity within the Northern Border Regional Commission's service area. Utilizes a network-based approach to provide training and job placement for behavioral health professionals in rural communities.
Offers grant funds to create new youth-focused, peer-driven behavioral healthcare support programs and provide career pathway opportunities in rural communities. Seeks to establish local networks to develop and implement behavioral health programming for rural youth.
Offers loan guarantees to rural businesses to increase access to business capital and improve rural economies. Allows commercial lenders to offer affordable financing to rural businesses to support business operations and create or preserve employment opportunities.
Offers financial support to telecommunication service providers who provide rural communities with access to high-speed broadband access, specifically in markets that do not support the infrastructure and network costs of telecommunications carriers' providing the service.
Seeks to increase the amount of affordable rental housing available in rural areas to individuals and families with low and moderate income. Offers loan guarantees to qualified private-sector lenders who provide financing to borrowers for the construction, acquisition, and improvement of multifamily rental housing units. Funds may also be used to purchase or improve land and to provide necessary infrastructure.
Provides licenses to newly formed, for-profit entities to operate as a Rural Business Investment Company (RBIC). RBICs make equity capital investments in small, rural enterprises that may otherwise have difficulty accessing venture capital. Seeks to develop economies, create wealth, and increase job opportunities for people living in rural communities.
Assists small businesses in securing loans to support their business operations. Provides financial guarantees and sets guidelines for lenders in order to make loans easier to access for eligible businesses. Loans can be used to pay for long-term fixed assets, such as real estate, equipment, machinery, construction, and remodeling, or as working capital for seasonal financing, revolving credit, export loans, and refinancing debt.
Supports regional economic development plans for rural areas by giving funding priority to multi-jurisdictional projects implemented through USDA Rural Development programs. Projects are intended to build community prosperity by using community assets, identifying resources, convening partners, and leveraging federal, state, local or private funding.
Aims to improve rural communications and economic development by providing loans and technical assistance to build, improve, and further develop telecommunication services in rural communities.
Inactive Funding Opportunities
Many inactive programs are likely to be offered again. Grant deadlines are often short, and viewing inactive programs can give you a head start in applying next time.
Assists schools and other eligible entities with developing, establishing, and maintaining farm to school programs. Supports a wide range of training, planning, implementation, and operational activities in order to increase student access to local food in schools. Facilitates collaboration between schools, local agricultural producers, and other community partners and promotes educational opportunities related to nutrition and local food systems.
Offers a 1-year initiative for rural justice, public safety practitioners, and other community stakeholders seeking to engage in strategic planning to address issues related to substance use and misuse in their communities. Assists participants in developing cross-sector networks and creating solutions to better respond to and serve justice-involved individuals with substance use or co-occurring disorders. Reaching Rural is an initiative of the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP) funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Funds technology-based economic development initiatives that promote job growth, innovation, economic opportunity, global competitiveness, and the development of future industry-leading companies in regions across the U.S. Aims to help startups and companies access investment capital, grow their companies, empower entrepreneurs, and commercialize new technology. Projects are intended to benefit underserved populations and communities, including rural areas.
Offers financial assistance to eligible entities to receive or deliver broadband technical assistance and training. Supports activities that promote broadband expansion in rural areas, including project planning and community engagement, financial sustainability, environmental compliance, construction and engineering planning, accessing federal resources, and data collection and reporting.
Offers grants to rural or rural-serving organizations to evaluate, develop, and expand technology-enabled collaborative learning and capacity building models, with the goal of improving workforce retention and increasing access to healthcare, especially specialty care, in rural, frontier, and tribal areas and other underserved communities. Aims to support healthcare providers through distance health education models focused on chronic diseases, infectious diseases, mental health, substance use disorders (SUDs), prenatal and maternal health, pediatric care, pain management, palliative care, and other specialty care.
Provides funding to intermediary organizations that offer financial and technical assistance to recipients to help meet the needs of their communities in eligible rural areas. Recipients use funds for projects related to housing, community facilities, or community and economic development projects in rural communities.
Supports efforts to reduce violent crime by developing and implementing comprehensive community-based violence intervention and prevention programs focused on youth and adults at highest risk for violence. Encourages community partnerships between residents, local government, victim service providers, law enforcement, hospitals, and other stakeholders to engage in strategies and activities to address risk factors related to violence, including substance use disorder (SUD), housing instability, and history victimization or perpetration.
Awards funds to implement and deliver mentoring services to youth involved in the juvenile justice system, with the goal of reducing substance use, delinquency, truancy, victimization, and other problem behaviors while promoting positive outcomes for youth. Supports multiple mentoring approaches, including one-on-one, group, peer, or a combination of mentoring services as well as nonmentoring direct services, such as mental health, substance use treatment, and other supportive services. Target population includes youth currently placed within a juvenile correctional facility and those recently released from a juvenile facility.
Provides loans and grants to help expand broadband access to rural communities without sufficient high-speed internet connectivity. Aims to increase private sector investment to support the construction or improvement of critical broadband infrastructure to deliver internet access to a wide range of rural sites and facilities, including residential homes, community healthcare and public safety facilities, schools, libraries, business and industry, agricultural operations, and other sites.
Expands existing mentoring services and activities for at-risk youth and youth currently misusing or dependent on opioids, stimulants, or other substances. Supports the development of innovative, high quality services, utilizing various mentoring approaches, such as one-on-one, group, or peer mentoring, designed to reduce substance use, delinquency, and other problem behaviors. Offers educational and support services to youth and their family members to address opioid or substance misuse issues.
Increases communities' access to locally and regionally produced food and agricultural products by developing, coordinating, and expanding direct producer-to-consumer operations and activities, such as domestic farmer's markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs, agritourism activities, online sales, or other market opportunities. Builds organizational capacity and provides outreach, training, and technical assistance in order to help producers achieve a greater impact on local and regional food systems.
Develops, coordinates, and expands local and regional food business enterprises that function as intermediaries for indirect producer-to-consumer marketing with the goal of making local and regional agricultural products more available and accessible to communities. Supports both planning and implementation activities to establish, improve, or expand local or regional food businesses. Assists businesses through feasibility studies, market research, training, and technical assistance to strengthen food system infrastructure and increase sales of locally and regionally produced agricultural products.
Promotes partnerships able to connect and utilize public and private resources to strengthen regional food systems. Supports partnerships to improve viability and resilience of the local or regional food economy.
Supports new and existing training programs for paraprofessionals in behavioral health fields in order to improve services for families whose parents are impacted by opioid use disorder (OUD) or other substance use disorders (SUD). Seeks to increase the number of paraprofessionals in behavioral health working in high-need and high-demand areas to reduce the risk of mental health disorders and SUD among children.
Supports efforts to improve access to integrated and coordinated treatment and recovery services for substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD), in rural areas to address the SUD/OUD crisis in rural areas and promote long-term, sustained recovery.
Provides funding to support prevention, intervention, diversion, treatment, and recovery programs and services to benefit children, youth, and families impacted by opioids and other substance use disorders. Assists communities in developing a coordinated response to address opioids and substance misuse, overdose, and public safety through collaboration with law enforcement, courts, organizations that address substance use, child welfare agencies and other community stakeholders.
Enhances the work of medical examiners and coroners in the U.S. by providing funds to agencies accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduated Medical Education (ACGME) to recruit qualified applicants for fellowship programs. Improves medical and legal death investigation services by assisting medical examiner and coroner agencies seeking to achieve or maintain accreditation through an independent accrediting organization.
Provides funding to integrate behavioral health services in primary care settings using telehealth technology through telehealth networks. Supports evidence-based projects in telehealth networks using telehealth technologies in rural and underserved areas to increase access to integrated behavioral health services in primary care settings and to improve the quality of healthcare information available to providers by evaluating the effectiveness of integrating telebehavioral health services into primary care settings.
Funds economic revitalization projects in the Appalachian region focused on building businesses, workforce ecosystems, infrastructure, culture and tourism, and leadership capacity to meet Appalachian Regional Commission's strategic investment goals. Gives priority to investments for building a competitive workforce, fostering entrepreneurial activities, developing industry clusters, and broadband initiatives.
Awards grants for the deployment of broadband in rural communities where private sector internet service providers are unable to develop the infrastructure to provide broadband service due to economic and cost challenges. Support internet services to foster economic development and employment, and improve educational and healthcare opportunities in eligible areas.
Funds programs to address high rates of infant death by improving health outcomes before, during, and after pregnancy and reducing well-documented racial/ethnic differences in rates of infant death and adverse perinatal outcomes. Supports the provision of direct and enabling services, including screening and referrals, case management, care coordination, health and parenting education, and linkages to clinical care, to enrolled program participants.
Provides funding to enhance or expand existing farm to school initiatives and other food and agriculture experiential learning initiatives, especially in underserved and rural areas. Seeks to reduce food loss and waste, improve food quality and children's nutrition, and promote knowledge of agriculture by engaging schools directly with local and regional agricultural producers and other parts of the food system.
Provides funding to prevent substance misuse and address mental health issues by establishing and expanding behavioral healthcare services in rural communities for children and adolescents aged 5-17 who are at risk for, have, or are recovering from a behavioral health disorder.
Expands access to social detoxification services for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/NA) populations impacted by alcohol use disorder (AUD) or substance use disorder (SUD) in McKinley County, New Mexico. Supports programs that include the 3 critical components of community-based social detoxification: evaluation, stabilization, and fostering patient readiness for and entry into treatment. PARD is an initiative of the IHS Alcohol and Substance Abuse Branch (ASAB).
Assists rural communities working to reduce the incidence and impact of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) among pregnant, postpartum, and persons of childbearing age who are diagnosed with or at risk for opioid use disorder (OUD) and/or other substance use disorders (SUDs). Supports the implementation of evidence-based OUD/SUD prevention, treatment, and recovery strategies designed to improve systems of care, family supports, and social determinants of health (SDOH) in rural areas.
Aims to increase the affordability, accessibility, acceptability, and availability of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) by establishing new MAT access points in rural communities. Enhances the capacity to provide MAT treatment services for people in rural areas with or at risk of opioid use disorder (OUD), with focus on underserved populations. Promotes the use of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications for the treatment of OUD along with supportive services, including counseling and behavioral therapies. Supports the use MAT to treat alcohol use disorder, if the need exists.
Provides funds to implement evidence-based or promising prevention, treatment, and recovery activities for substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD), in rural communities. Expands access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services for rural residents diagnosed with or at risk of OUD/SUD, their families, and others in the community.
Provides funds to implement evidence-based prevention, treatment, and recovery activities in rural communities to address psychostimulant use disorders and the misuse of psychostimulants, including methamphetamine, cocaine, ecstasy, and prescription stimulants. Expands access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services for rural residents diagnosed with or at risk of psychostimulant use disorder, their families, and others in the community.
Strengthens rural communities' ability to conduct planning to engage high risk populations and expand capacity for effective prevention, treatment, and recovery responses to substance use disorder (SUD) and opioid use disorder (OUD) in rural counties.
Provides funding, technical assistance, and training to support direct services for children and youth who are crime victims and have been impacted the current crisis of addiction and substance use, including the use of opioids, methamphetamines, other substance misuse, and polysubstance use. Supports services for children and youth ages 0-18 and includes direct service activities such as information about and referral to trauma-informed victim services, personal advocacy, medical services, on-scene emotional support at drug/crime related incidents, and follow-up care, including counseling, support groups, and other types of mental health treatment.
Provides loans and loan guarantees to build, improve, or acquire the facilities and equipment necessary to deliver services at the broadband lending speed to eligible rural areas. Supports projects that improve rural economies and the quality of life in rural communities. Seeks to fund projects related to technological innovation, e-connectivity, and the rural workforce.
Provides funding to strengthen experiential training for behavioral health paraprofessional students focused on prevention, treatment, and recovery services for substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD). Emphasizes training that addresses the specific challenges of children, adolescents, and transitional-age youth at risk for behavioral health disorders. Seeks to expand access to quality SUD/OUD treatment and services in high need, high demand areas by increasing the number of qualified behavioral health paraprofessionals working in community-based settings.