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Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) – Competitive Grant Program
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Notice of Funding Opportunity (
Application Deadline: Aug 29, 2024
Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH)
Awards funding to Indian tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHE) to carry out affordable housing activities for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) families with low income. Supports efforts to develop, maintain, and operate housing that is affordable for tribal residents and provides families with safe and healthy living environments. Aims to benefit individuals and families with low income by focusing on new construction, rehabilitation, and acquisition projects that increase the number of housing units available in AI/AN communities.
Affordable housing activities eligible for funding under this opportunity can be found in the program guidance.
Applicants are encouraged to propose projects that are part of a comprehensive plan to address housing conditions in their communities which also includes long-term planning for infrastructure and economic development opportunities.
Amount of Funding
Award ceiling: $7,500,000 per
Award floor: $500,000 per project
Project period: Up to 5 years
Estimated number of awards: 25
Estimated total program funding:
Who Can Apply
Applications may be submitted by federally recognized Indian tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHE) who have ever been allocated Indian Housing Block Grant formula funding.
Eligibility for Alaska tribes is limited to Alaska Native Indian Block Grant recipients that received IHBG grants in fiscal year (FY) 2005. Alaska Native tribes that are required to designate a TDHE in Alaska for their IHBG formula program may not apply directly for funding under this opportunity.
Preference is given to projects that address climate change and to projects located in a Promise Zone.
Geographic Coverage
What This Program Funds
Buildings and Facilities • Equipment • New Program • Operating Costs and Staffing
Application Process
Application instructions, requirements, and other information can be found in the funding announcement.
webinar recording
Applicant frequently asked questions
For program questions:
Rural Awards
Past awards communities received in fiscal year (FY) 2024 can be found on the program website.
Topics This Program Addresses
Housing and Homelessness • Infrastructure