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Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program
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Notice of Funding Opportunity (
Application Deadline: Feb 28, 2025
Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW)
Awards funding to accredited institutions to expand addiction medicine fellowship (AMF) and addiction psychiatry fellowship (APF) programs and increase the number of fellows trained as addiction psychiatry physicians or as primary care doctors with an addiction subspecialty. Supports clinical training that integrates primary care with mental health disorder and substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and treatment services in underserved, community-based settings, including rural areas. Aims to expand access to quality addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery services for patients in underserved and rural areas.
Program objectives include:
- Increase the number of addiction medicine and addiction psychiatry sub-specialists trained to practice in medically underserved community-based settings, including rural areas
- Establish partnerships with clinical rotation sites in rural or other underserved areas that focus on the integration of primary care with mental health and SUD prevention and treatment services
- Increase fellows' knowledge and ability to assist their patients with referrals to navigate the legal and social systems related to patients' clinical needs or care
- Increase awareness of addiction medicine as a sub-specialty and reduce provider stigma to increase the number of physicians interested in pursuing careers in addiction medicine and addiction psychiatry through clinical rotations that expose residents to practice in these specialties
Required activities include:
- Provide at least 1 of the 3 training tracks described in section 760(b)(1)(A)(ii) of the Public Health Services Act
- Offer interprofessional team training, including training on working with legal-aid or medical-legal partnership programs to address social and legal issues affecting a patient's clinical condition and care
- Establish clinical rotations that place fellows and medical residents together, giving fellows an opportunity to teach medical residents under faculty guidance, with the goal to recruit them into these specialties
- Provide stigma-focused training for fellows, residents, and communities served using an interprofessional model of chronic disease
- Develop robust education and training of interprofessional teams to address social determinants of health as they relate to the causes, epidemiology, distribution, and treatment of SUDs
- Respond to the need to continually adapt to a rapidly evolving field as new drugs emerge, and new treatments are developed
- Describe the experiential training that your fellows will receive in the induction and management of medications to treat SUD, including buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone
- Participate in evaluations to assess program effectiveness and efficiency upon request
- Provide information to eligible fellows about HRSA's National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Programs
Stipend amounts may not exceed $110,000 per fellow. Fellows may receive no more than 12 consecutive months of stipend support through this program. Part-time trainees are allowed to receive a stipend prorated at one-half of the fixed amount for no more than 24 consecutive months.
Amount of Funding
Award ceiling: $800,000 per year
Award floor: $400,000 per year
Project period: 5 years
Estimated number of awards: 28
Estimated total program funding:
Matching funds are required only in cases where the AMF program chooses to provide stipends that exceed $110,000 per fellow. Recipients must cover any stipend costs beyond $110,000, including funds needed to meet geographic reimbursement requirements set by the applicable educational institution or association. Matching funds must be from non-federal sources.
Who Can Apply
Eligible applicants include U.S. based sponsoring institutions of accredited addiction medicine fellowship programs or accredited addiction psychiatry fellowship programs, or a consortium consisting of at least 1 domestic teaching health center and 1 domestic addiction medicine or addiction psychiatry fellowship program.
In order to be eligible, sponsoring institutions of addiction medicine or addiction psychiatry fellowship programs must be accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
The following organization types are eligible to apply:
- Public and private institutions of higher education
- Nonprofits with or without a 501(c)(3) status
- For-profit organizations
- Native American tribal governments
- Tribal organizations
Applicants can request funding priority by demonstrating they meet the criteria below:
- Priority 1 - Team-Based Care: Demonstrates the applicant's experience in training providers to practice team-based care that integrates mental health and SUD prevention, treatment, and recovery services with primary care in community-based settings. At least 40% of AMF or APF program graduates must have been trained in interprofessional teams comprised of at least 2 additional disciplines for at least 1 training rotation in the past 2 academic years, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.
Priority 2 - Health Information
Technology: Demonstrates the applicant's
experience in training providers in the use of health
information technology and/or telehealth. At least 25%
of the existing AMF/APF program curriculum or rotations
must integrate the use of telehealth or health
information technology to support:
- The delivery of mental health and SUD services
- Community health centers in integrating primary care and mental and SUD/OUD treatment
Priority 3 - Rural, Tribal, or Underserved
Communities: Demonstrates the applicant's
ability to expand access to mental health and SUD
services in areas with demonstrated need. Programs must
train AMF/APF fellows in a rural, tribal, or other
underserved areas defined by 1 of the following
- Training site(s) is/are located in Mental Health Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) with a score of 16 or above as found in the HPSA Find Tool.
- Training site(s) is/are located in a county with a drug overdose rate higher than the national average of 32.6 per 100,000 population. Applicants must indicate the source of their data and county overdose rates must be in terms of population per 100,000.
In addition to the funding priorities listed above, applicants may also request a funding preference under qualifications for placing program graduates in medically underserved communities (MUCs):
- Qualification 1 - High Rate: Must demonstrate that at least 50% of program graduates were placed in practice settings serving MUCs in academic years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.
- Qualification 2 - Significant Increase: Must demonstrate a 25% increase placing program graduates in MUCs from academic year 2022-2023 to academic year 2023-2024.
- Qualification 3 - New Program: Must meet at least 4 of the criteria related to MUCs specified in Step 4 of the program guidance. New programs are defined as any program that has graduated/completed less than 3 classes.
Medically underserved communities are defined as Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs), Medically Underserved Populations (MUPs), or a Governor Certified Shortage Areas for Rural Health Clinic (RHC) purposes HPSA. Applicants can document these designations using the HRSA Shortage Area Dashboard.
Geographic Coverage
What This Program Funds
Operating Costs and Staffing • Training Providers
Application Process
Application instructions, requirements, and other information can be found in the funding announcement.
Applicant webinar recording
Applicant frequently asked questions
For programmatic or technical
Anthony L. Schlaff, MD, MPH, FACPM
For grants management or budget
Anthony Ayuninjam
Topics This Program Addresses
Healthcare Workforce • Mental Health • Prevention • Substance Use Disorder • Teleservices and Technology • Treatment