This funding record is inactive. Please see the program website or contact the program sponsor to determine if this program is currently accepting applications or will open again in the future.

Nurse Corps Scholarship Program (Nurse Corps SP)


Additional Links

Fact Sheet


Application Deadline: May 2, 2024


Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW)


Awards competitive scholarships for nursing students pursuing an accredited nursing degree program at one of the following:

  • An associate degree school of nursing
  • A collegiate school of nursing
  • A diploma school of nursing
  • Bachelor of science in nursing as a registered nurse-to-baccalaureate (Bridge Program)
  • Master's degree in nursing from a direct/entry level nursing program

Scholarships are awarded to students in exchange for full-time service obligations at critical shortage facilities (CSFs) with a critical shortage of nurses located in, designated as, or serving a Primary Care or Mental Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 4 years. Seeks to make primary care and mental health services more accessible by increasing the amount of nursing professionals serving underserved and vulnerable communities.

Amount of Funding

Provides a monthly stipend and scholarship support for tuition, required fees, and other reasonable costs in exchange for a minimum of 2 years and up to a maximum of 4 years of full-time service at an eligible critical shortage facility (CSF) with a critical shortage of nurses located in, designated as, or serving a Primary Care or Mental Health HPSA.

Stipend amount: $1,599 per month for full-time students

Up to $5,000,000 of the total program funding is allocated for the women's health funding area.

In addition, up to $2,000,000 of the total program funding is allocated for the career pathways funding area.

Who Can Apply

Eligible applicants must:

  • Be U.S. citizens, born or naturalized, U.S. nationals, or lawful permanent residents
  • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time student in an accredited nursing degree program in clinical nursing in a state, the District of Columbia, or a U.S. territory
  • Begin classes no later than September 30, 2024
  • Submit a complete application
  • Have not defaulted on any federal or non-federal payment or service obligation; written off any federal or non-federal debt as uncollectible; nor have any current or past judgment liens against property due to a debt owed to the U.S.
  • Not be excluded, debarred, suspended, or disqualified by a federal agency or have an existing federal, state, or other entity service obligation

Competitive preference is given to applicants with the greatest financial need determined by an applicant's Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Additional details regarding this preference can be found in the program guidance.

Geographic Coverage


What This Program Funds

Financial Aid for Healthcare Workforce

Application Process

Application requirements, instructions, and other relevant information can be found on the program website. Submit an application through the Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) portal.

Applicant webinar recording
Application and program guidance
Applicant frequently asked questions


For questions:
TTY at 877-897-9910
Online contact form

Topics This Program Addresses

Healthcare Workforce