Youth Healing to Wellness Courts: Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) Purpose Area #8
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Notice of Funding Opportunity (
Purpose Area Fact Sheet Booklet
Application Deadline: Mar 18, 2025
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
Provides funding to establish new or expand existing youth healing to wellness courts (YHWC). Enhancing existing YHWCs can focus on court operations and/or implementing new programs and services to help youth with substance use disorders achieve recovery and avoid reoffending. Supports planning activities, court operations, workforce development, training, data collection, and the implementation of new programs and services to help youth with substance use disorders (SUD) to access treatment, sustain recovery, and avoid re-offending. Part of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS).
Program funds may be used for:
- Conducting a community strength and needs assessment to help define the need for a YHWC or enhance an existing YHWC
- Identifying existing resources and partners that can support the establishment of the court or the proposed enhancement(s)
- Identifying resource gaps and other areas of need that should be addressed during the planning and implementation of the court
- Supporting a team approach that may include tribal council, tribal court judges, prosecutor's office, defense counsel, probation, law enforcement, treatment providers, schools, vocational programs, other service providers, tribal elders, tribal community members, and others, as appropriate
- Developing or enhancing YHWC policies and procedures
- Hiring staff for the YHWC team
- Participating in training and technical assistance activities as directed by the funder
- Completing or updating a YHWC policies and procedures manual
- Developing or enhancing written bench books, screening and assessment tools, participant contracts, participant handbooks, and any other resources needed to implement the YHWC
- Developing a strategic plan for implementation, following the outlined goals, objectives, action steps, and timeline
- Developing a written data collection protocol describing how the data outlined in the strategic plan will be collected, stored, and analyzed to measure project success and make any needed adjustments to the project design
- Developing and implementing an appropriate data collection system to support the project
- Collecting data pursuant to the performance measures outlined in the strategic plan
- Screening court-involved juveniles and young adults under age 21 for eligibility
- Conduct a process evaluation
Funds may not be used to serve violent offenders. Additional information about program goals and objectives can be found in the program guidance.
Amount of Funding
Award ceiling: $400,000
Project period: 5 years
Estimated number of awards: 8
Estimated total program funding:
Matching funds are not required for CTAS Purpose Area 8 applicants.
Who Can Apply
Eligible applicants include:
- Federally recognized Indian tribes, including any Alaska Native village, or a regional or village corporation
- Consortia consisting of 2 or more federally recognized Indian tribes
Geographic Coverage
What This Program Funds
Equipment • New Program • Operating Costs and Staffing • Training Providers
Application Process
Application requirements, instructions, and other relevant information can be found in the funding announcement.
Applications must be submitted electronically through a 2-step process:
- Step 1: Applicants will submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in by the March 18, 2025 deadline.
- Step 2: Applicants will submit the full application, including attachments, in the JustGrants grants management system by the March 25, 2025 deadline.
webinar schedule
frequently asked questions
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For program questions or general
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Response Center
Rural Awards
Examples of past awards communities have received in fiscal year 2024 are described on the program website.
Rural communities who have received Purpose Area #8 funding include:
- Seminole Nation of Oklahoma
- Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
- Fort Peck Assiniboine & Sioux Tribes in Montana
Topics This Program Addresses
Attorneys and Courts • Juvenile Justice • Law Enforcement • Mental Health • Substance Use Disorder • Treatment