Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) Funding and Resources
Provides resources for parent training and information centers and community parent resource centers across the U.S. which support families of children with disabilities in effectively participating in their child's education and development. Offers information and training to families, professionals, and other organizations by providing access to a resource library, a directory of parent centers, an online database of experts, webinars, and other resources on a variety of topics, including mental health and trauma-informed care, as well as a Native American resource collection.
Assists schools and school districts with the implementation of a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework to improve students' social, emotional, and physical well-being, reducing disruptive behavior, and creating a positive learning environment. Uses a multi-tiered framework that reaches all students while allowing for more focused intervention and support for at-risk students and students with disabilities. Includes resources and blueprints for implementing school-wide responses to the opioid crisis and substance use. Offers direct onsite technical assistance to district and state leadership teams as well as indirect assistance through online resources, national and regional conferences, and collaborations with other technical assistance centers and organizations.
Provides tools, publications, and other resources for schools to provide services, support, and interventions to address opioid and substance misuse for students and their families. Includes information on substance use and related trauma among students. Discusses implementing positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) to improve school climate and reduce substance use.
Provides information for state and local early intervention systems regarding the prevalence of infants and toddlers prenatally exposed to substances, and resources and supports needed to promote positive outcomes for these infants and their families. Shares links to key research, policy, guidance, state examples, and evidence-based practices for supporting young children exposed prenatally to substances and their families.