This funding record is inactive. Please see the program website or contact the program sponsor to determine if this program is currently accepting applications or will open again in the future.

Office of Justice Programs Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative Site-Based


Additional Links

Notice of Funding Opportunity (
Solicitation Overview


Application Deadline: May 30, 2024


Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)


Offers grant funding to support the planning and implementation of comprehensive community-based violence intervention and prevention programs. Promotes efforts to address community violence, including gang and gun violence, through collaboration between residents, local government, victim service providers, law enforcement, hospitals, and other stakeholders. Focuses on youth and adults at highest risk of violence based on risk factors such as history of violent victimization/perpetration, substance use disorder (SUD), housing instability, and detrimental coping behaviors.

There are 4 funding categories for this opportunity:

Categories 1 and 2: Focus on local or tribal community violence intervention (CVI) projects led by either community based organizations, tribes, or units of local government

Category 3: Focuses on state governments that will coordinate and support CVI strategies in one or more localities within the state

Category 4: Focuses on regional or national intermediary organizations seeking to provide intensive training and technical assistance, oversight, and subawards to build the capacity of local community based organizations

Program objectives include:

  • Reduce community-based violence by focusing violence intervention and prevention programs on the individuals at highest risk for violence
  • Increase collaboration between multidisciplinary stakeholders and the capacity of partners to access and use data to assess the drivers of violence in the community and identify appropriate evidence-informed CVI strategies
  • Build capacity of community CVI organizations to implement CVI strategies, collaborate with community partners and stakeholders, and identify sources of funding to sustain programs
  • Increase the evidence base of what works and best practices in CVI and prevention programs
  • Increase the opportunities for community violence survivors to be gainfully employed in CVI programs and to enhance career paths for CVI outreach workers

Amount of Funding

Award ceilings:

  • Categories 1 and 2: $2,000,000
  • Categories 3 and 4: $4,000,000

Estimated number of awards:

  • Categories 1 and 2: 8-12 awards
  • Category 3: 4-5 awards
  • Category 4: 3-4 awards

Project period: 36 months
Estimated total program funding: $72,000,000

Who Can Apply

Eligible Category 1 applicants include nonprofits with or without 501(c)(3) status, other than institutions of higher education; Native American tribal organizations; for-profit organizations; small businesses, public housing authorities, and Indian housing authorities.

Eligible Category 2 applicants include city, township, or county governments; special district governments; federally recognized tribal governments, and other units of local government, such as towns, boroughs, parishes, villages, or other general purpose political subdivisions of a state.

Eligible applicants under Category 3 are state governments.

Eligible Category 4 applicants include private, public, state-controlled institutions of higher education; nonprofits with or without 501(c)(3) status; and for-profit organizations including small businesses

Priority consideration is given to applicants that meet the following criteria:

  • Proposals designed to meaningfully advance equity and remove barriers to accessing services and opportunities for communities that have been historically underserved, marginalized, adversely affected by inequality, and disproportionately impacted by crime, violence, and victimization.
  • Applicants that can demonstrate existing partnerships with multidisciplinary team stakeholder members through letters of commitment and/or memorandums of understanding (MOUs)
  • Applicants proposing a companion evaluation application under the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) solicitation, Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) Research, Evaluation, and Associated Training & Technical Assistance Support in fiscal year 2024
  • Applications from communities with documented high and/or increasing levels of homicides per capita

Geographic Coverage


What This Program Funds

Capacity Building • New Program • Operating Costs and Staffing

Application Process

Application instructions, requirements, and other information about the online application process can be found in the funding announcement.

Applications must be submitted electronically through a 2-step process:

  • Step 1: Applicants will submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in by the May 30, 2024 deadline.
  • Step 2: Applicants will submit the full application, including attachments, in the JustGrants grants management system by the June 10, 2024 deadline.

Applicant webinar recording, slides and transcript


For questions on submitting in

For questions on submitting in JustGrants:

For programmatic and technical questions:
Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Response Center
TTY at 301-240-6310

Topics This Program Addresses

Community Planning and Coalition Building • Justice System • Substance Use Disorder • Violence, Trauma, and Abuse • Youth